
Which is best library for charts in angular?

Which is best library for charts in angular?

These are the best open-source angular chart libraries available with angular wrapper.

  • ngx-charts.
  • ngx-echarts.
  • ng2-charts.
  • angular-plotly.js.
  • PrimeNG Charts.

Is ng2-charts open-source?

The ng2-charts module is an open-source JavaScript library, and it is exclusively built for Angular 2+ and available via npm.

How do I use angular charts in Google?

ts and write some code.

  1. import { Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild } from ‘@angular/core’;
  2. import { GoogleChartComponent } from ‘angular-google-charts’;
  3. @Component({
  4. selector: ‘app-root’,
  5. templateUrl: ‘./app.component.html’,
  6. styleUrls: [‘./app.component.scss’]
  7. })
  8. export class AppComponent implements OnInit{

How do I use Chartjs in angular 8?

3. After all above setup, here is code, you need to add into your app.component.ts file:

  1. import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;
  2. import * as Chart from ‘chart.js’
  3. @Component({
  4. selector: ‘app-root’,
  5. templateUrl: ‘./app.component.html’,
  6. styleUrls: [‘./app.component.css’]
  7. })
  8. export class AppComponent {
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How do I use Fusioncharts in angular 6?


  1. Step 1: Install angular-fusioncharts.
  2. Step 2: Install fusioncharts core library.
  3. Step 1: In app. module. ts include the necessary files and add the dependency.
  4. Step 2: Add data to the angular app.component.ts.
  5. Step 3: Now use the fusioncharts component in app. component. html .

What is chart js in angular?

Chart. js is an open source JavaScript library that makes it easy to include charts in your website. The charts are animated and responsive so we can show it on any device. If you want to combine Chart. js with Angular then we can use: ng2-chart.

Is chart js free to use?

js is a free open-source JavaScript library for data visualization, which supports 8 chart types: bar, line, area, pie (doughnut), bubble, radar, polar, and scatter.

How do you make a Google chart responsive?

Load Google Chart library.

How do you create a pie chart in Angular 10?


  1. Create a new angular project using the below command. ng new angchar.
  2. install bootstrap using the below command.
  3. Install ng2-charts using npm.
  4. You need to install and include the Chart.js library in your application (it is a peer dependency of this library) (more info can be found in the official chart.js.
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What is chart JS in angular?

How do you use chart JS in angular 9?

Angular 9 chart js working example and code

  1. Here are the basics commands, you need to use into your terminal or command prompt to install Angular 9 fresh set up:
  2. After Install Angular 9 fresh setup and go inside the Angular 9 setup, run below command into your terminal to install chartjs module:

How do you use a Fusionchart?

  1. Create a project folder using the following command: $ mkdir projectName $ cd projectName COPY.
  2. To install the latest webpack release, run the following command: $ npm install webpack webpack-cli –save-dev COPY.
  3. Now, to install the fusioncharts package via npm run the command below: $ npm install fusioncharts COPY.