
Which is better COMEDK or KCET?

Which is better COMEDK or KCET?

There are better opportunities for other state students and the rules are less stringent than kcet. The big hurdle in comedK is the fees for colleges is around 1,50,000. This is almost 4 times the kcet fees. Other state students admission-As mentioned above the rules are less stringent with comedK than kcet.

Is COMEDK same as KCET?

KCET (Karnataka Common Entrance Test) and COMED-K (Consortium of Medical Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka) are both a state level entrance exam conducted in Karnataka.

Can I apply for both KCET and COMEDK?

Yes! You can write both KCET and COMEDK. For COMEDK, you will not be requiring any domicile eligibility, however for admission into KCET, there are some domicile requirements to be met.

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Which is easy KCET or COMEDK?

According to students, COMEDK is less competitive and easier than KCET. As the COMEDK follows the syllabus pattern of the BOARD Examination, the question pattern is less hard than any KCET or any other entrance test.

Does Comedk have government college?

Out of these, nearly 91 colleges are private, and 4 are government colleges. The Consortium of Medical Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK) conducts COMEDK UGET students who wish to take admissions in engineering, medical, and dental programmes offered by the colleges in the state of Karnataka.

What is the difference between COMEDK and KCET in Karnataka?

Fees through this quota is higher than that of KCET. Both, KCET and COMEDK provide admission to private colleges in Karnataka, but COMEDK is not accepted for government engineering colleges.

What is the difference between cket and COMEDK?

Admission to Colleges -Though the difficulty level is same, getting a seat in the above mentioned colleges is more challenging through kcet than comedk. The competition level in comedK is always lower and less challenging than kcet. Since PESIT is now PESU, one has to write PESSAT, a seperate exam from PESU.

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What is the difference between COMEDK and UVCE?

Main difference is the cost, KCET seats in Govt and Govt.Aided Engg. colleges like UVCE , BMSCE will be around 18k, whereas in private Engg colleges will be around 50k per annum. Meanwhile in COMEDK, all colleges min will be 1.5k per annum.

Which college has ECE branch aided admission through COMEDK?

BMSCE has ECE branch aided and if you get a good kcet rank the fees is only 18k/year. I beleive PESU also takes a small number of students through kcet (not sure about this, please check their website). So getting into these colleges through comedK is easier than kcet again this depends on the branch you are interested in.