
Which is better creatine HCL or monohydrate?

Which is better creatine HCL or monohydrate?

Creatine HCL has been shown in the lab to be about 40 times more soluble in fluid than creatine monohydrate. And research shows that when subjects consume the same amounts of creatine HCL and creatine monohydrate, the creatine HCL is absorbed by the intestines around 60\% better than creatine monohydrate.

Which is better micronized or monohydrate creatine?

Micronized creatine is basically purer and more soluble than monohydrate, but it’s still the exact same chemical! I believe, for people who want to stick with what’s been proven and works, micronized creatine is best over monohydrate with the same effects and less of the side effects.

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What is creatine HCL used for?

People commonly use creatine for improving exercise performance and increasing muscle mass. It is also used for muscle cramps, fatigue, multiple sclerosis (MS), depression, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses.

When should I take creatine HCL?

On workout days, research shows that it may be better to take creatine shortly before or after you exercise, rather than long before or after. On rest days, it may be beneficial to take it with food, but the timing is probably not as important as on exercise days.

Is HCl creatine good?

Given the large amount of data supporting the effectiveness of creatine monohydrate, the HCl form can’t be recommended as superior until the two have been compared in experiments. Summary: While the HCl form’s high water solubility is promising, it needs to be studied more before it can be recommended over other forms.

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Should you load creatine HCl?

To maximize creatine muscle stores quickly, a loading phase of 20 grams daily for 5–7 days is recommended, followed by a maintenance dose of 2–10 grams per day. Another approach is 3 grams daily for 28 days.

Should I take creatine HCl everyday?

After your muscles are fully saturated with creatine, it’s recommended to take 3–5 grams (14 mg/pound or 30 mg/kg) daily to maintain optimal muscle stores.

How much creatine HCl do you need to consume per day?

So for a short recap, in answer to how much Creatine HCL you should be supplementing per day; you should be taking 750 mg of Creatine HCL per 100 pounds of bodyweight, with the best time to take it being before and after workout.

What is the best supplement for creatine?

Cellucor CN3 Strength&Pump Amplifier – A 2-in-1 super creatine nitrate blend

  • Maxines Creatine – A solid women’s creatine supplement to build strength,power and muscle mass
  • EHPLabs Crea-8 – Another decent pure creatine monohydrate supplement for ultimate performance
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    Is there difference between the various forms of creatine?

    Creatine Monohydrate: Creatine Monohydrate is the normal,original creatine that people have been using for decades.

  • My Choice.
  • Micronized Creatine: Micronized Creatine is essentially creatine monohydrate,except it has been micronized,which means the molecules of creatine have been divided or cut up.
  • What is creatine HCI?

    Creatine monohydrate is the free-form version of creatine. It’s the naturally occurring form that is found within the human body and animal protein. Creatine hydrochloride (HCI) is simply monohydrate that has been combined with a hydrochloride molecule. Doing so increases the pH which is said to increase solubility.