
Which is better QTP or selenium?

Which is better QTP or selenium?

On the other hand, Selenium is OS independent and allows test scripts to run across all browsers. QTP/UFT does not support different IDEs. It works only on QTP/UFT developed IDEs….Selenium vs QTP//UFT.

Features Selenium QTP/UFT
Flexibility Runs across all the browsers Supports only Windows
License Open-source Licensed

Can UFT unified functional testing be used to automate desktop applications?

UFT can automate almost all the latest technologies, including Web, Desktop and Mobile Applications. UFT is also used to automate testing Web Services.

What should I learn after Selenium?

It is very important to learn about mobile automation as well. The best tool to perform mobile automation is Appium. The good news here is that if you are someone who has learned selenium then learning Appium will be very easy for you because you will be using 90-95\% of the Selenium concepts.

Is SQL required for automation testing?

To automate tests in Selenium you don’t need to know SQL at all.

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What is difference between UFT and QTP?

The full type of QTP is QuickTest Professional while UFT implies Unified Functional Testing. A new tool has been developed that integrates the two most powerful testing products on a common platform of IDE. Hence by this tool, we have a powerful testing framework for API testing and GUI based applications.

What is UFT automation tool?

Unified Functional Testing (UFT) software, formerly known as HP QuickTest Professional (QTP), provides functional and regression test automation for software applications and environments. Creating or Editing Unified Functional Testing (UFT) Tests. Create or edit a UFT test to execute UFT tests in Silk Central.

What programming language does QTP use?

Programming language: QTP test scripts are written only in VBScript which is an active scripting language developed by Microsoft and the test scripts cannot be written in any simple programming language whereas Selenium test scripts are written in the simple user-friendly programming languages like Java, Python, C#.

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Which programming language is used in UFT?

Micro Focus UFT uses VBScript as its scripting language. VBScript supports classes but not polymorphism and inheritance.