
Which is the azure equivalent service of Route 53 in AWS?

Which is the azure equivalent service of Route 53 in AWS?

Network service comparison

Area AWS service Azure service
Cross-premises connectivity VPN Gateway VPN Gateway
DNS management Route 53 DNS
DNS-based routing Route 53 Traffic Manager
Dedicated network Direct Connect ExpressRoute

What is Amazon Service Bus?

Azure Service Bus queues are part of a broader Azure messaging infrastructure that supports queuing and publish/subscribe messaging. Amazon SQS is a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

Is SQS a Service Bus?

SQS equivalent in Azure is not Service Bus. SQS is a simple queue service. So is ASQ.

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What is ECS equivalent in Azure?

Microsoft Azure While Azure’s answer to EKS is AKS, its analog to AWS Fargate and ECS is Azure Container Instances (ACI), which is another clustering solution for containerized workloads.

What is Azure equivalent of AWS config?

Azure Policy is not exactly same but yes serves the purpose of AWS Config as in AWS. Azure policy is used to create, define and manage policy that runs on Azure. Azure Ploicy runs an evalution of the resources used, keep track of resources that are not attached to the policy.

What is AWS S3 equivalent in Azure?

Azure Blob is the Microsoft equivalent to Amazon’s S3-based object storage services. Within that, a “blob” is like a bucket as the framework for retention of objects.

Is Azure Service Bus Kafka?

The Kafka Connect Azure Service Bus connector is a multi-tenant cloud messaging service you can use to send information between applications and services. The Azure Service Bus Source connector reads data from a Azure Service Bus queue or topic and persists the data in a Kafka topic.

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What is the AWS SNS equivalent to Azure service bus?

AWS SNS works in the publisher/subscriber pattern, so you could argue that is also equivalent to Azure Service Bus, because you could have multiple subscribers with their own SQS queue. For when you are dealing with a high throughput queue.

What is the difference between Azure service bus and SQS?

In most cases, SQS (Simple Queue Service) will provide an adequate replacement, but keep in mind that Azure Service Bus queues are First In-First Out (FIFO), while SQS queues do not guarantee the order of messages.

What is the difference between azure and AWS vnets?

In Azure you have the concept of VNets, the major difference is that in AWS most services can be easily added into a VNet. While some services in Azure you might need to pay a premium. Service for setting routes at DNS level.

Is there any alternative to AWS for building cloud infrastructure?

AWS and Azure are becoming the most vital choice while building cloud infrastructure. I know most of the AWS services and working with them and trying to develop knowledge about Azure services which can be used as alternatives to AWS services.