
Which PTE score is considered?

Which PTE score is considered?

IELTS Vs TOEFL Vs PTE Academic – Score Comparison

VERY GOOD 8 74-84
GOOD 7.5 73-77
GOOD 7 64-72
COMPETENT 6.5 58-63

Can I take PTE multiple times?

There is no limit set as to how many times one can sit the PTE test. You need to sit the first test and receive your test score to be able to book for another.

Can I combine two PTE results?

PTE results can be combined to score 65 plus for nursing registration. For example, if in first exam you got 65 plus in all modules except reading and in second exam you got 65 plus in reading but 65 below in all other modules you can combine the two results for your registration.

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How are PTE scores evaluated?

First, they add up all the scores of enabling skills. Then, the sum is divided by 6 which is the number of added items. This number which is the average sum of the enabling skills becomes the fifth contributing factor along with the other four communicative skills in calculating the overall of the PTE score.

How many times we can attempt PTE?

There is no limit by Pearson as to how many times a candidate can give the PTE Exam 2021. Candidates can take the exam with a gap of 5 days. So, candidates can take the PTE Academic exam as many times as they want.

Can I reevaluate my PTE score?

You can only request a rescore once per test registration. You may only request a rescore of your most recent PTE Academic test. You cannot request a rescore if you have already scheduled another test.

How many times I can give PTE exam?

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Yes, you can take the PTE Academic test multiple times. There is no set limit on the number of times you can take the test. However, the only condition is that you need to wait to receive your scores before booking another slot to retake the test.