
Who can you marry in my time in Portia?

Who can you marry in my time in Portia?

Albert, Gust, Mint, Nora, Oaks, Petra, Sonia, and Xu are the characters that can propose to the player themselves, either during their romance missions or afterwards. Certain characters have special missions the player has to complete before marrying them.

How do you marry someone in fable?

First, buy a marital home, flirt, talk, give gifts, do what ever it takes to get someone to fall in love with you. When they do, they will turn green. Buy a wedding ring, give it to them, then talk to them and they will ask you if you want to get married. Say yes and then repeat the gift giving, flirting, talking, etc.

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Can you get married in my time in Portia?

After the player has upgraded their House at least once at A&G Construction and has a two-person bed, Marriage can be proposed to a boyfriend/girlfriend by gifting them a Wedding Ring (though not during a Date). After this, that character becomes the player’s spouse and gives the player extra benefits.

Can you date two people in Portia?

Right now, as some of you might know, it’s possible to date more than one person at the same time in Portia. When you share your feelings with someone and he/she accepts it, you’ll enter into a romantic relationship with that person. You’ll hang out and spend quality time together, as you’d expect!

Should I marry Arlo my time at Portia?

Even when it’s just in the game. In addition to his British accent, Arlo has the most stunning blue eyes in all of Portia. Furthermore, he is young, strong, courageous, and has a great career. Marrying him would definitely boost stats.

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Can I marry Arlo Portia?

Arlo is one of the potential bachelors that the player can romance. Upon reaching Friend status at four full hearts, the player can confess their love to him with a Heart Knot.

Can you marry Lady GREY?

If you choose to marry Lady Grey in Fable, Fable TLC and Fable Anniversary you will receive a dowry of 15,000 gold: the largest marriage dowry in the game. Because she will not follow the hero outside of Bowerstone in the original game, it is generally considered impossible to kill her.

What happens if you lie to Myra fable?

After giving Myra the letter and returning to Cyril, you can choose what to tell him as regards Myra’s decision: If you lie and choose to tell him that she was completely uninterested, he will be disappointed with the outcome and you will receive evil points.

How do I get my wedding ring in my time at Portia?

Wedding Ring is an item that can be purchased from Mysterious Man’s Shop. It can be given to an NPC with whom the player character is best friends in order to propose marriage.

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What does gust love in my time at Portia?

Gust likes to paint near the Portia River, but can also be seen with numerous forms of artwork in his own room.