
Who is Yuumi best with?

Who is Yuumi best with?

Finally, champions that appreciate the extra mobility from Yuumi’s E are good picks. These include Jhin, Jinx, Ashe, Pantheon, Maokai, and Lux.

Why is Yuumi so op?

Her shielding, healing, and movement speed is incredibly potent at every stage of the game. Yuumi’s a champion with a pretty safe early game and an incredible late-game payoff. There aren’t many downsides to picking her.

Is Yuumi an easy champ?

Yuumi is one of the easiest champions to pick up in League of Legends, but not necessarily the easiest champion to have success with in the game. In fact, only players that truly understand this champion can make impactful contributions over the long term. It’s a common belief that Yuumi is a “braindead” champion.

Is Yuumi hated?

The things that make her strong also make her easy, and this is a large part of why Yuumi is generally hated by the community. Instead, every person that plays Yuumi feels like they’re playing in the same way. The hatred for Yuumi runs deep, and there’s a clear and distinct reason for it.

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Is Yuumi good with Aphelios?

Yuumi does a ok job of beating Aphelios. Normally, she wins a acceptable 49.8\% of games the champs oppose one another in. This indicates that she most likely will be able to get first blood against Aphelios.

Is Yuumi good with Cait?

Caitlyn does a decent job of beating Yuumi. Normally, she wins a acceptable 51.7\% of matches the champions face off with each other in. In Caitlyn against Yuumi rounds, Caitlyn’s team is 0.0\% more likely to gain first blood. This indicates that she most likely will get first blood against Yuumi.

Why is Yuumi so strong?

Her shielding, healing, and movement speed is incredibly potent at every stage of the game. Yuumi’s a champion with a pretty safe early game and an incredible late-game payoff. There aren’t many downsides to picking her. PSG first-picked Yuumi this game with a plan.

Do pro players play Yuumi?

It’s early to say it but it’s been a few games for the pro scenes on 9.14 already and Yuumi was always banned. Those early mana nerfs seem to not be a problem at all for pro players.