
Who talked about unknown unknowns?

Who talked about unknown unknowns?

The idea of unknown unknowns was created in 1955 by two American psychologists, Joseph Luft (1916–2014) and Harrington Ingham (1916–1995) in their development of the Johari window. They used it as a technique to help people better understand their relationship with themselves as well as others.

What is the concept of the known of the unknown and the unknown of the unknown in risk management?

When considering risk, known knowns are those matters which you are fully aware of and can plan for in advance. Known unknowns are those risks which you ‘know that you don’t know’ – risks that you know exist, but can’t accurately quantify their potential impact.

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What is an example of unknown unknowns?

Unknown unknowns: Things you’re neither aware of nor understand (examples: starting a business or taking a sabbatical)

Who was Mr Donald Rumsfeld?

Donald Henry Rumsfeld (July 9, 1932 – June 29, 2021) was an American politician, government official and businessman who served as secretary of defense from 1975 to 1977 under president Gerald Ford, and again from 2001 to 2006 under President George W. Bush. He was both the youngest and the oldest secretary of defense.

What is known known category?

A known known is information that is fully studied and well understood, so that an individual or organization can have confidence in its comprehension and relevance. The term known known is one of four categories of information, which also include known unknowns, unknown knowns and unknown unknowns.

How can companies manage unknown and unknowable risks?

Unknowable risks are a form of sunk costs. To manage unknowable risks, companies should ensure business processes remain flexible, ensuring variable costs and diversifying across products and markets whenever possible.

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What is unknown knowledge?

Known knowns, unknown knowns and unknown unknowns That is to say there are things that we now know we don’t know. Known knowns — things that we know (i.e are aware of) that we know. These pose less of a risk, as they are facts we are confident in.

What are unknown risks?

An unknown risk is a potential loss that is completely unknown to you. It the context of risk management this includes any risk that is not identified and managed.

What is an unknown known risk?

Unknown known risks are very rare – these are the risks an organization is aware of but is disregarding them, either intentionally or unintentionally. Unknown knowns are not acceptable from a risk management perspective – if a risk is known, everything must be done to manage it.

Is Rumsfeld still alive?

Deceased (1932–2021)Donald Rumsfeld / Living or Deceased

What is unknown risk?