
Who was against Ambedkar?

Who was against Ambedkar?

Ambedkar independently contested an election in 1952 to the lower house of parliament, the Lok Sabha, but was defeated in the Bombay (North Central) constituency by a little-known Narayan Sadoba Kajrolkar, who polled 138,137 votes compared to Ambedkar’s 123,576.

What did Gandhiji mean by Swaraj?

Although the word Swaraj means “self-rule”, Gandhi gave it the content of an integral revolution that encompasses all spheres of life: “At the individual level Swaraj is vitally connected with the capacity for dispassionate self-assessment, ceaseless self-purification and growing self-reliance.” Politically, swaraj is …

Did British government agree with Ambedkar demand for separate electorates for dalits?

2. Did the British government agree with Ambedkar’s demand for separateelectorates for Dalits? a. No.

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Who is known as the leader of Dalits?

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, (born April 14, 1891, Mhow, India—died December 6, 1956, New Delhi), leader of the Dalits (Scheduled Castes; formerly called untouchables) and law minister of the government of India (1947–51).

How did Mahatma Gandhi fought against untouchability?

Between November 1933 and August 1934, for nearly nine months, Gandhi conducted an intensive crusade against untouchability all over the country, including in the Princely States, travelling over 20,000 kilometres by train, car, bullock cart and on foot, collecting money for the recently founded Harijan Sevak Sangh.

What was Sardar Patel’s contribution to India?

Sardar Patel’s contribution in integrating 565 princely states into a newly independent India is unforgettable. In this post on Sardar Patel – who is popularly known as the Iron Man of India – we cover his life, vision, views, anecdotes, and important contributions to modern India.

What is the contribution of Rajnath Patel in Indian politics?

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Patel used his position as Congress president to organise the return of confiscated land to farmers in Gujarat. Patel worked extensively against alcohol consumption, untouchability, caste discrimination and for women emancipation in Gujarat and outside. After Independence, he became India’s first Deputy Prime Minister.

Why did Rajiv Patel join the Congress?

Patel joined the Congress and became the secretary of the Gujarat Sabha that became a Congress stronghold later. On Gandhi’s call, Patel quit his hard-earned job and joined the movement to fight for exemption of taxes in Kheda at the time of plague and famine (1918).

What are the reasonable restrictions of Indian Constitution?

Reasonable Restrictions (Article 19 (2-6)): Sardar Patel presented the first draft of the reasonable restrictions on April 30, 1947. Among the several amendments, one of them was the inclusion of protection of minorities, groups and tribes within the provision.