
Why are all the science fiction films in space not entirely accurate when we see and hear explosion?

Why are all the science fiction films in space not entirely accurate when we see and hear explosion?

To travel to us from outer space, the wave must be able to travel through regions of space which are essentially vacuum (nothing there). Sound cannot do this, as it requires a medium to propagate in, so we would not be able to hear the explosion. The bigger the surface (sounding board), the bigger the sound.

Why do movies always have sound in space?

The common explanation for this is that space is a vacuum and so there’s no medium for sound to travel through. Despite this, films have always depicted space as a noisy environment filled with booming sound effects. These kinds of interactions allow for the plasma-equivalent of sound waves: magnetosonic waves.

Was Gravity shot in space?

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The film uses very long, uninterrupted shots throughout to draw the audience into the action, but contrasts these with claustrophobic shots within space suits and capsules. Human evolution and the resilience of life may also be seen as key themes of Gravity.

Which sci fi movie has sound in space?

For Example: The Martian (2015), Moon (2009) Armageddon (1998) etc. These movies contain sound in space which does not make sense. Well, there are a few space movies which are accurate in the sound thing: Interstellar and Gravity etc.

What 2 physics mistakes occur in a science fiction movie?

What two physics mistakes occur in a science fiction movie that shows a distant explosion in outer space, where you see and hear the explosion at the same time? First, in outer space there is no air or other material to carry sound. Second, if there were, the faster-moving light would reach you before the sound.

Did the Death Star make noise when it exploded?

You would not hear the Death Star exploding. That is wrong.” There are no sounds in space. Sounds are pressure waves moving through a medium, like air, water or beer.

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Why do computers in movies make sounds?

Originally Answered: Who do computers always make beeping sounds when new windows are open in the movies? That’s to give the audience a cue that something is happening. It’s really hard to make a moving about computers because watching someone type and stare at a screen is really, really boring.

What are the sounds in space?

So, in order for sound to travel, there has to be something with molecules for it to travel through. On Earth, sound travels to your ears by vibrating air molecules. In deep space, the large empty areas between stars and planets, there are no molecules to vibrate. There is no sound there.

What two mistakes are made in science fiction movies where you see and hear an explosion in space at the same time?

Are there any sci-fi movies that got science wrong?

And, regardless of the science, they’re pretty fun to watch. Here are some sci-fi movies that got some of their science wrong. Recreating dinosaurs from DNA — as seen in the “Jurassic Park” franchise — doesn’t seem plausible. Somewhat unsurprisingly, the entire franchise isn’t based on science.

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Why do people like science fiction movies?

The greatest thing about good science fiction is that it lets viewers explore a new reality. But, some sci-fi movies have a little more fiction than science, which can lead to some major scientific flaws in the film’s plot. Of course, these movies aren’t always meant to be scientifically accurate.

What happens when science and movies collide?

But when science and movies collide, it can be pretty rough sometimes dissecting the real science, the movie magic science, the hokum, the tomfoolery, and the outright fantasy. While most of us don’t necessarily look to our entertainment to educate us, we do often assume that the way events are portrayed in film are just how they are.

Can science and movies coexist?

We all love movies, and some of us even love science. But when science and movies collide, it can be pretty rough sometimes dissecting the real science, the movie magic science, the hokum, the tomfoolery, and the outright fantasy.