
Why are new lenses so big?

Why are new lenses so big?

Size is strongly impacted by the brightness (max aperture opening) of the lens. It is simple physics of light. The other factors are related to number of internal elements, fixed vs zoom, glass materials, internal vs external focus movement and built-in stabilization.

Are bigger camera lenses better?

For both amateur and professional photographers, it’s generally acknowledged that lenses are more important to craft than the actual camera body. Not all lenses fit every situation, and though it may feel counterintuitive, bigger isn’t necessarily better.

Why are Canon lenses so big?

Cameras have a “flange focal distance” that is the distance between the lens mount and the sensor. On Canon’s DSLRs, for example, it’s 44mm. The problem for camera manufacturers is that manipulating focal length is complicated and generally involves adding more lens elements that make things bigger and heavier.

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Why are some lenses bigger than others?

It’s down to the amount, and quality of glass required for a wider aperture – bigger lens. That makes it bigger, heavier, and more expensive.

Why are DSLRs so heavy?

DSLR lenses have to be designed around the big mirror box and the moving mirror. That requires a lot of optical gymnastics and glass—making these lenses bigger and heavier but not necessarily better.

Why are DSLR lenses so big?

DSLR lenses of normal-to-wide focal lengths have always been larger than comparable rangefinder lenses because they required additional elements to project the image past the mirror box.

What does a larger lens mean?

The larger lens has more area to collect light, which actually equates to an image more then twice the brightness at a ratio equal to πr² where r equals the radius of the lens.

Why are fast lenses so big?

Faster lenses require larger glass as well. So fast long DSRL lenses end up being big. Modern lenses are not as bad as the simpler SLR designs of old but still much longer and heavier than for rangefinders.

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Does wider lens make better clarity?

If you guessed the larger lens would make the image brighter, you would be correct. The larger lens has more area to collect light, which actually equates to an image more then twice the brightness at a ratio equal to πr² where r equals the radius of the lens.