
Why are old Pixar movies so good?

Why are old Pixar movies so good?

The first reaction test audiences had to “Monsters, Inc.” wasn’t the bottomless sense of wonder drummed up by most Pixar movies: It was boredom. “I thought, Oh, a film about monsters who scare kids for a living. That hook should be enough to make people engaged,” director Pete Docter told Tech Insider.

Why is ratatouille a good movie?

First off, Ratatouille is gorgeous. Really, it’s something of a visual marvel. Ratatouille is also very funny, playing on humor that is more slapstick in tone than any Pixar entry before it. Linguine stumbles around with a goofy elasticity that adds to some of the movie’s most laugh-out-loud moments.

Why are Pixar movies so good Quora?

First of all, Pixar has a meticulous process that develops their original stories. They know how to touch one’s heart. And all of their movies have a lesson to take away which all the viewers loved. Also, the lessons can be taught to young ones and is also applicable to the adult ones.

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Why is Pixar important?

Pixar’s has racked up a unique track record of success: It’s the leading pioneer in computer animation. It has never had to buy scripts or movie ideas from outside. And since 1995, it has released seven films—all of which became huge hits.

Why Ratatouille is a masterpiece?

And the film really is a masterpiece. It’s very much a Brad Bird film, in that it’s preoccupied with the notion of being torn between commitment to work and responsibilities to family. It provides the kind of deep, transporting pleasure, at once simple and sophisticated, that movies at their best have always promised.”

What is Ratatouille rating?

Ratatouille/MPAA rating

Why are Pixar movies better than Disney?

Pixar movies showed to have higher audience and critique ratings- raking high with the Toy Story franchise -, but Disney films ranked higher in box office revenue, with nine of the top ten highest grossing movies coming from Disney.