
Why blog has been removed?

Why blog has been removed?

Here to help! If someone gained access to your account, they could have deleted the blog (or the account). Not sure why someone would do that, though. If someone gained access to your account and started using the blog as a spam or scam platform–that could violate the TOS and lead to Google deleting the blog.

What happened Google blog?

Blogspot has now been acquired by Domainming. was part of Google-owned Blogger, previously known as Blogspot that Google acquired in 2003. As per a report by Neowin, country-specific domains are not different blog addresses but just a redirect based on the country where the blogger is living.

Will Google delete inactive blogs?

After June 1,” Google said in a blog post. As part of this policy, Google will delete the content on the platform(s) where a user has been inactive for two years (24 months). They can notify other contacts as well is they stop using their Google Account for a certain period of time (between 3-18 months).

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Does Blogger delete old blogs?

Delete a Blogger Blog Now that you’ve backed up your old blog—or decided to consign it to the dustbin of history—you can delete it. Log into Blogger using your Google account. Click the down arrow located in the top left and select the blog you want to delete from the list. In the left menu, click Settings > Other.

Why is Google not getting rid of blogger?

Today, Blogger has more than 90 million monthly visitors and content creators are not only churning out some quality content but also utilizing the AdSense for revenue that is ultimately making advertisers of Google very happy. Perhaps that is the primary reason why Google is not eliminating the Blogger service from its umbrella.

How to delete your entire blog on Blogger?

Deleting Your Entire Blog Go to Blogger. Click on ▼. Click on the blog you wish to delete. Click on Settings. Click on Other. Click on Delete Blog. Click on Delete This Blog.

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Why can’t I Find my Blogger blog?

If you can’t find your Blogger blog, there are a few reasons it may be missing. It looks like you’re signed out. Sign in to Blogger. In the top left, click Down arrow . Under “Deleted blogs,” click the blog you want to restore. Click Undelete. Your restored blog will show up in the “Your blogs” list and you’ll be able to post to it.

How do I find out if my blog has been deleted?

If your blog was deleted by Google, the email will explain what happened. If your blog has been blocked by Google because it violated the Blogger Content Policy or Google’s Terms of Service, in the “Your blogs” list, next to the blog title, you may get a warning . In the top left, click Down arrow .