
Why did Ron and Harry take the flying car to Hogwarts?

Why did Ron and Harry take the flying car to Hogwarts?

Flight to Hogwarts Ron was worried that his parents might not be able to get back through, so they used the car to fly to Hogwarts. Just as they arrived on school grounds, the car began to break down and they ended up crashing into the Whomping Willow.

How did Ron and Harry find the Hogwarts Express?

Harry catches the Hogwarts Express at 11 am at King’s Cross Station, where he is helped by Molly Weasley and encounters several members of the Weasley family. While on board, Harry purchases a large quantity of sweets from the Trolley Witch. He pays 11 sickles and 7 knuts, which is GB£3.31 or US$4.34 on that date.

Why didnt Ron and Harry wait by the car?

Because Ron and Harry got it in their heads that they had to reach Hogwarts fast, and did not think it through. Had they waited for Ron’s parents, they would have probably carried the two of them to Hogsmeade via Side-Along Apparition, or taken them to the Burrow and used the Floo to reach Hogsmeade or Hogwarts itself.

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How do Harry and Ron get to Hogwarts after they miss the last Hogwarts Express in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

Mr. Weasley has enchanted his Ford Anglia so that it will fit all of them plus their luggage and pets comfortably, and after several returns for forgotten items, they finally arrive at King’s Cross in time to catch the Hogwarts Express train at platform nine-and-three-quarters. Weasley’s flying Ford Anglia.

Why didn’t Ron and Harry wait for Ron’s parents?

Because they thought the platform had been completely closed and Ron’s parents wouldn’t be able to get back through either. Then they panicked and made a terrible decision cuz they were 12.

Who bewitched the flying car?

Ford Anglia
Mr. Weasley is well-known for collecting and bewitching an array of Muggle artifacts, including his Ford Anglia, which does not impress Mrs. Weasley. Mr. Weasley’s enchantments included stretching the car’s interior, making it suitable for eight people and their luggage.

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How did Ron Meet Harry Potter?

On his first trip on the Hogwarts Express, Ron met and became friends with the famous wizard Harry Potter. Harry let him share his carriage on the Hogwarts Express and purchased a large amount of wizarding snacks from the Hogwarts Express food trolley to share with him.

Does the Hogwarts Express actually move?

The cable moves at the speed of 3.4 meters per second (12 km/h; 7.6 mph). On both trains, the locomotive faces towards Hogsmeade station; it is not possible for the trains to face King’s Cross.

How old are Ron and Harry in Chamber of Secrets?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – real-life ages

Harry Potter – 12 years old Daniel Radcliffe – 12 years old
Ron Weasley – 12 years old Rupert Grint – 13 years old
Hermione Granger – 12-13 years old Emma Watson – 11-12 years old
Neville Longbottom – 12 years old Matthew Lewis – 12-13 years old

What happens to Harry and Ron when they get to Hogwarts?

Harry and Ron miss the Hogwarts Express and fly Mr. Weasley’s bewitched car to Hogwarts. When they crash into the barrier between platforms nine and ten (and Hedwig makes a noisy fuss about it), Harry and Ron attract the attention of Muggles at King’s Cross.

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Why can’t Muggles find Hogwarts?

Hogwarts is a magical place. The place is teeming with magic so much so that no muggle device works there. Hermione mentions this fact in Harry Potter and the Philosphers stone. Also, Hogwarts is not visible to muggles, it is enchanted and visible only to wizarding world. Hence, Harry and Ron would’ve had no trouble in locating the castle.

What happens to Harry and Ron in the car on the road?

At first, Harry and Ron are exhilarated by their situation, and enjoy eating candy and basking in the sunshine. But after a few hours of their long trip, the novelty wears off and they become uncomfortable. As they finally near Hogwarts, the car starts to malfunction. Ron operates the car with silent wand taps.

What happens to Harry and Ron at King’s Cross?

When they crash into the barrier between platforms nine and ten (and Hedwig makes a noisy fuss about it), Harry and Ron attract the attention of Muggles at King’s Cross. Unable to follow the rest of the Weasleys to platform nine and three quarters, Ron and Harry miss the Hogwarts Express.