
Why did the Dutch betray Arthur?

Why did the Dutch betray Arthur?

Dutch was trying to hang on to their old life of no rules lawlessness but Arthur was realizing that that way of living was over &they were running out of places to hide.

Do I shoot Micah or Dutch?

After a fight, Adler and Marston have Micah at gunpoint, only for Dutch to appear with weapons aimed at both. Micah uses the surprise to take Sadie hostage, while John tries to convince Dutch that siding with Micah is the wrong play. Dutch responds by shooting Micah, giving John the chance to pump him full of lead.

Why did Dutch leave Arthur and Micah?

In the end, Dutch left because he had nothing else to use against Scarface. He didn’t argue, he didn’t put up a fight, nor did he tried to shoot him. He left the money because it was no longer any use for him. Dutch had also walked away because he had nothing else to fight for..

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Why Dutch stayed loyal to Micah?

Micah Was The Newcomer In The Van der Linde Gang John, similarly, became a Van der Linde member at age 12 after he was almost executed for stealing, though Dutch stepped in right in the nick of time. Clearly Dutch felt like he owed Micah something in particular after Micah saved his life that fateful day.

Why did Dutch hate John?

Dutch is egotistical and is willing to put the gang in danger to reach his goals. Dutch’s ego and insatiable paranoia lead him to believe John isn’t loyal to his gang, so he begins treating John as an outcast as RDR2’s story progresses.

Are Hosea and Dutch together?

Dutch and Hosea had been close friends for more than two decades. The duo went on to form the Van der Linde gang together. Hosea’s death shook Dutch, who never really recovered from it, and it was possibly one of the causes of Dutch’s descent into insanity.

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Why did Arthur kick Strauss out?

After returning to camp, Arthur has a conscience crisis and decides to banish Strauss from camp for ruining so many lives with his loansharking, in addition to the fact that Strauss was inadvertently responsible for getting Arthur sick, from his confrontation with Thomas Downes.

Does Arthur hate John?

However, their relationship strained when John ran away for little over a year after getting Abigail Roberts pregnant with his son, Jack. This hurt Arthur deeply and left him feeling betrayed and also annoyed at John not appreciating the family he had. As a result, for most of 1899, Arthur has little respect for John.