
Why did the Eastern Roman Empire survive while the Western Roman Empire did not?

Why did the Eastern Roman Empire survive while the Western Roman Empire did not?

Combined with a lack of mass Germanic migration into their territories, the Eastern Roman Empire was thus in a much better position to survive the collapse of the Empire.

Why was the Eastern Roman Empire so different from the Western Roman Empire?

The Byzantine Empire (the Eastern Roman Empire) was distinct from the Western Roman Empire in several ways; most importantly, the Byzantines were Christians and spoke Greek instead of Latin. Constantine the Great also legalized Christianity, which had previously been persecuted in the Roman Empire.

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In what 3 ways did the Eastern Empire change from the western empire?

Changes: The Byzantine Empire shifted its capital from Rome to Constantinople, changed the official religion to Christianity, and changed the official language from Latin to Greek.

Why was the Eastern Roman Empire able to stay strong?

The eastern part of the Roman Empire grew stronger because Constantinople and other eastern cities were on trade routes. The economic gains from the trade of spices and other items from the far east guaranteed wealth and stability, The western part of the Roman Empire became weaker because of constant invasions.

Was the Eastern Roman Empire successful?

It survived the fragmentation and fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD and continued to exist for an additional thousand years until it fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453. During most of its existence, the empire was the most powerful economic, cultural, and military force in Europe.

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Was the eastern or Western Roman Empire more powerful?

In 476, after the Battle of Ravenna, the Roman Army in the West suffered defeat at the hands of Odoacer and his Germanic foederati….Western Roman Empire.

Western Roman Empire Senatus Populusque Romanus Imperium Romanum
• 395–423 Honorius
• 457–461 Majorian
• 474–480 Julius Nepos
• 475–476 Romulus Augustulus

How did the Roman Empire survive for so long?

A combination of law and engineering, military force, and social legislation to combat political fragmentation along with exceptional leaders, allowed the long lived Roman Empire to become one of the greatest superpowers the world has ever seen.