
Why do games want access to my photos?

Why do games want access to my photos?

Android has the ability to request a “share” dialog of the game wants you to be able to share your achievements with friends. Access to “photos” on Android may only mean access to the common storage area (on the SD card in some phones). That’s common, and generally not a sign of something malicious.

Why do games need storage permissions?

Games usually create files while you play, for example to store your save file, or when you download some add-on to the game, they are usually stored on the external card (somewhere in /sdcard/0/Android/obb or data folders). This would require the permission to write the files.

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What does it mean when an app wants access to your photos?

An app may request access to your photos if the app supports photo uploads. For example, when installing the Google Drive app, it will ask for photo access. This is because the app supports photo storage and will grab you photos for storing. This is an example of a safe and legitimate photo access request.

Why do apps need access to photos and media?

They are also a gateway to a massive amount of our personal data. Both Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android systems have evolved to contain very robust data permission regimes and, in general, apps ask your permission to access your data because they need it for one function or another.

Why do apps ask for access to photos and files?

This is normally for perfectly sensible reasons: a photo-editing app needs access to your photos, or a voice recorder needs access to the microphone. Sometimes an app may want access to more personal information because it is trying to gather data that could then be used for marketing.

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Why do apps need storage permissions?

It mean the app wants to create some files on your internal storage which is necessary to run the app. Android apps will ask for a permission when they need it. For example, instead of giving an app access to your camera when you install it, you’ll be prompted the first time the app wants to access your camera.

Why do apps want access to your photos?