
Why do some guys take so long to pee?

Why do some guys take so long to pee?

The most common cause of urinary hesitancy in older men is an enlarged prostate. Almost all older men have some trouble with dribbling, weak urine stream, and starting urination. Another common cause is infection of the prostate or urinary tract.

How long should it take for a male to pee?

On average, it shouldn’t take longer than 30 seconds to urinate, Freedland said. “Once you get going and it takes you a minute to empty your bladder, that’s a problem. That’s not normal.”

How long does it take to start peeing?

A healthy bladder can hold about 2 cups of urine before it’s considered full. It takes your body 9 to 10 hours to produce 2 cups of urine….Pee table.

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Age Average bladder size Time to fill bladder
Child (4–12 years) 7–14 ounces 2–4 hours
Adult 16–24 ounces 8–9 hours (2 ounces per hour)

Why does it take longer to pee when you get older?

As you get older, the bladder changes. The elastic bladder tissue may toughen and become less stretchy. A less stretchy bladder cannot hold as much urine as before and might make you go to the bathroom more often.

Why does it take so long to finish peeing?

Other possible causes of slow urine flow are prostate or bladder cancer, blockage along any part of the urinary tract (from kidneys to bladder to urethra), neurogenic bladder dysfunction, frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs), and any other conditions that cause scarring or damage to the urinary tract.

Is it normal to pee for a long time?

Urine volume is considered excessive if it equals more than 2.5 liters per day. A “normal” urine volume depends on your age and gender. However, less than 2 liters per day is usually considered normal. Excreting excessive volumes of urine is a common condition but should not last more than several days.

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Why is it hard to pee in the morning male?

A common symptom of enlarged prostate in men is a weak urine flow early in the morning. Men often have hesitancy in the morning but report good urine stream during the day. This is a typical symptom of an enlarged prostate.

Does urine flow slow with age?

Age-related changes in the ureters A person’s ability to delay urination after first sensing a need to urinate also declines. The rate of urine flow out of the bladder and into the urethra slows.

Why does it take me so long to pee?