
Why do we use oxides?

Why do we use oxides?

The most important basic oxides are magnesium oxide (MgO), a good thermal conductor and electrical insulator that is used in firebrick and thermal insulation, and calcium oxide (CaO), also called quicklime or lime, used extensively in the steel industry and in water purification.

Why do most of the ores occur in the form of oxides in Earth’s crust?

Most avtive metals are highly electropositive and therefore exist as ions. It is for this reason that most of the important ores of these metals occur as (i) oxides (ii) sulphides (iii) carbonates (iv) halides and (v) silicates. Some sulphide ores undergo oxidation by air to form sulphates.

What causes sulfide?

sulfide, also spelled sulphide, any of three classes of chemical compounds containing the element sulfur. Phosphine sulfides are formed from the reaction of organic phosphines with sulfur, in which the sulfur atom is linked to the phosphorus by a bond that has both covalent and ionic properties.

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Why sulfides are better than oxides?

Metal sulphides have the advantage over the corresponding oxides that most of them are good electronic conductors and hence sulphide-based cathodes do not usually require the addition of carbon. so that the discharge curve has two stages with plateaus at 2.12 and 1.75 V.

How are oxides formed?

Oxides are binary compounds formed by the reaction of oxygen with other elements. They react with metals and non-metal to form oxides.

What is a sulphide ore?

Explanation: The sulphide minerals are compounds of the metals with sulphur. Some ot the examples are: Galena- ore of lead Formula is PbS. Cinnabar-ore of mercury Formula is HgS. Copper pyrites-ore of copper.

What is the difference between oxide and hydroxide?

These classes consist of oxygen-bearing minerals; the oxides combine oxygen with one or more metals, while the hydroxides are characterized by hydroxyl (OH)– groups.

What is difference between sulphate and sulphide?

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– The molecular or chemical formula of sulphate is SO2−4 . – The oxidation state of sulphur in sulphide is ‘-2’. – The main difference between sulphite, sulphate, and sulphide is the number of oxygen atoms and the oxidation state of the sulphur present in the respective derivatives.

Which of the following will prefer to occur as sulphide?

The metals that occur most commonly in sulfides are iron, copper, nickel, lead, cobalt, silver, and zinc, though about fifteen others enter sulfide structures. This important class includes most of the ore minerals.

What is the difference between oxide and sulphide?

Sulfides are minerals that contain sulfur. Oxides are those minerals that contain oxide anions, or oxygen, with ice and quartz being the exceptions. They are crystals rich in metallic compounds, with their appearance formed by the processes of the earth.

Which metal occurs as a sulphide?

A metal that occurs as sulphide is lead.