
Why do we use sikuli?

Why do we use sikuli?

Sikuli is an open-source GUI based test automation tool. It is mainly used for interacting with elements of web pages and handling windows based popups. Sikuli uses the technique of “Image Recognition” and “Control GUI” to interact with elements of web pages and windows popups.

Can we automate desktop application using sikuli?

Sikuli provides extensive support to automate flash objects. Using Sikuli we can automate desktop applications.

What is the difference between selenium and sikuli?

Sikuli can automate things Selenium simply cannot, such as Flash or iPhone sims. Selenium can check if a video file is there, but Sikuli can play it and ‘watch’ it.

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What is the use of sikuli in selenium?

Sikuli is an image-based open source tool to automate the GUI and can be used on any platform like Windows/Linux/Mac/Mobile. Sikuli uses a technique called image recognition to identify and control GUI components.

What are the pros and cons of automation testing?

Advantages of Automation Testing

  • reduce the time required to regression;
  • conduct regression testing more often;
  • after fixing all bugs or when new functionality is added, report on product status as quickly as possible;
  • get an infinite number of test runs when using continuous software development mechanisms;

What is test automation discuss its pros and cons?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Automated Testing

  • Automated testing improves the coverage of testing as automated execution of test cases is faster than manual execution.
  • Automated testing reduces the dependability of testing on the availability of the test engineers.

How does Sikuli integrate with selenium?

To integrate sikuli with selenium, we need to follow the below steps.

  1. Step 1: Download Sikuli jars.
  2. Step 2: Double-click on “sikulixsetup-1.1.
  3. Step 3: Open Eclipse IDE and create a project.
  4. Step 4: Include “sikulixapi.jar”
  5. Script 1: Facebook login Using Sikuli with Selenium.
  6. Step 1: Open facebook login page.
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