
Why does Jimin strain his voice?

Why does Jimin strain his voice?

He’s overworked, his voice is strained, and when they alter idols’ bone structure (i.e. nose jobs) to make them look better, it affects the way their voices sound. Unfortunately, the idol system in general is not great at maintaining healthy, consistent voices.

When did Jimin lose his voice?

In Break The Silence Ep 5 titled The Opposite Side, the majority of the episode focuses on Jimin losing his voice during BTS’ Sao Paulo concert of Speak Yourself World Tour. An exhausted ChimChim is seen being escorted backstage as he whispers, “My throat hurts so much that it’s hard to breathe.”

Is Jimin a weak vocalist?

He actually has very good vocals, not the best in BTS and sometimes a bit shakey but he has really good and wide vocals.

Did Jimin get voice lessons?

The fact that Jimin never had a vocal experience and Bighit didn’t give him vocal lessons before the debut. He basically trained himself. Despite of all that, he debuted as a lead vocal and his voice always stands out. …

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How does Jimin learn to sing?

The fact that Jimin never had a vocal experience and Bighit didn’t give him vocal lessons before the debut. He basically trained himself. He mentioned before how he never had the chance to take vocal lessons that’s why there were times he’s really having a hard time.

Why can’t BTS Jimin sing?

Jimin has a small voice and the way they’re making him sing is not right for his voice. Combination of Jimin getting older, constantly touring, speaking during talk shows, singing new music and the fine art of auto tuning. What BTS have to endure to promote their music takes a lot of wear and tear on their vocal cords.

Why is Jimin’s voice so high?

Jimin has a naturally high voice when he speaks normally and he often does high notes as well. I think it’s his real voice obviously with auto tune but like every music video has auto tune. It does sound in a way quite feminine but jimins voice is just naturally high so it it makes sense for him to be able to go that high.

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Is jimjimin a male or female voice?

Jimin naturally has very good vocal tone and support in his upper register, and can effortlessly pull off singing higher notes even at a lower volume as in the clip posted, which a few other BTS gents can equally do just as well in that range (as layered in the hook). And timbre-wise, that’s certainly a male voice.

Why does BTS change his voice so much?

In BTS’s releases in 2013–2016 to 2017 – onwards you can hear the drastic changes in his voice. If you are overweight, this has an effect on your singing voice, due to the production and storage of male and female hormones. For men, if you are overweight, you will produce more female hormones, which makes the singing voice sound lighter.