
Why does Quora show vulgar content?

Why does Quora show vulgar content?

If you’re seeing lots of vulgar images and content, it’s because the Quora feed algorithms are designed to show you more of content you interact with.

Is porn allowed in Quora?

In its blog post announcing the change, Quora says, “We never share views on adult topics.” However views for all the questions on the right are currently exposed. Apparently, pornography is not considered an “adult topic”.

How do I get adult content on Quora?

Given this, questions relating to Adult Content will only appear in your Feed if you have opted in either by (1) editing the Adult Content Filter setting in your Settings to explicitly allow it, or (2) following a specific Adult Content topic (for example: Sex) that has been applied to the …

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How do I Block 18+ content on Quora?

  1. Click on profile photo.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on Privacy Settings.
  4. Check the box for “Allow adult content in your feed.”

Is there inappropriate content on Quora?

Quora is rated for teens ages 13 and older, and it can be safe for kids with adult supervision. Even if Quora does have moderators, who remove inappropriate content, answers and users, children can come across adult and mature content or negative views on various topics such as religion, politics.

Is there inappropriate content on quora?

Can someone see if you look at their quora?

You may have noticed recently that Quora has increasingly required you to log in to see the full breadth of the site’s question-and-answer content. But the system works like LinkedIn’s “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” personal analytics: If you’ve turned off Quora views, you won’t be able to see the views of others.

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How do I block adult content on Quora?

You can change this setting by visiting your account privacy settings at

Can an 11 year old use Quora?

A mature 12 year old can handle it, but of course, it depends on the child. 1. But it wouldn’t be a bad idea, especially because the information is often unreliable (as mentioned in reason 2), to tell your kids to never make their mind up about an issue just because of something Quora told you.