
Why fourth generation computer are more advanced than other generation of computer?

Why fourth generation computer are more advanced than other generation of computer?

The fourth-generation computers are cheaper in price as compared to the previous three generations of computers. They emerged single-board computer and the single-chip processor. This generation of computers improved in terms of speed, accuracy and reliability.

What is the advantage of fourth generation computer?

Advantages Fourth Generation of Computer They were developed for totally general purpose use (general-purpose computers). Smaller in size and much reliable than other generations of computer. The heat generation was negligible. No cooling system required in many cases of the fourth-generation computer.

What difference does the 4th generation computer have from other generation computers?

Smaller in size as compared to previous generations. More reliable. Produced less heat as compared to the previous two generations of computers. Better speed and could calculate data in nanoseconds.

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How were the third generation computers better than the second generation computer?

Instead of using individual transistors, the computers made in the third generation used integrated circuits technology. As compared to second-generation computers, 3rd generation computers were cheaper in price, smaller in size, less heavy in weight, faster in speed and more efficient.

What are the basic difference between the fourth and fifth generation computer?

It is developed using massively parallel computing. The difference between the 5th gen and it’s predecessor was fourth gen was designed using microprocessors. The simple answer is 5th Gen computing is about developing AI – speech recognition, etc. It is developed using massively parallel computing.

What are the differences between fourth and fifth generation of computer?

Differences between the fourth generation computers and the fifth generation computers. Fourth generation are mainly used in data processing and database handling applications, while fifth generation are mostly used for problem solving in AI field. Why was the size of computer reduced in third generation computer?

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What is the fourth generation of computers?

Fourth Generation of computers was between 1971 – 1980. These computers used the VLSI technology or the Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits technology. Therefore they were also known as the microprocessors. Intel was the first company to develop a microprocessor.