
Why is 8/12 reps the best?

Why is 8/12 reps the best?

It turns out that 8-12 reps is actually good advice. It sits in the Goldilocks Zone of reps and loading, it’s time efficient in that it can maximize the number of tough reps per set, it’s energy efficient in that it doesn’t require too many reps to stimulate hypertrophy, or involve loads that are unnecessarily heavy.

Does 8/12 reps build muscle?

While choosing a weight at which you can do just 8-12 reps builds muscle, it also builds strength, no doubt. But that weight is not optimal for strength building. When focusing on maximizing your strength, you want to train with even heavier loads, ones you can lift for just 1-6 reps.

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Can you build muscle with 4 6 reps?

Yes. While it may not be optimal, you can still build muscle in the 4-6-rep range. It is good to train in this rep range anyway, because it builds strength which can help you build muscle later when you switch to an 8-12 (hypertrophy) rep range.

What is the meaning of 4 sets of 8/12 reps?

Reps is short for repetitions, or the number of times that you perform any given exercise in your workout. Most exercises are performed in a range of 8 to 12 reps total per set (more on sets below). This range is best for general increase in muscle strength and size (aka hypertrophy), according to the ACE.

Is 8 reps enough to build muscle?

Fitness lore dictates that the rep range you choose determines the outcome for your body: Working in sets of three to seven reps is how to build strength, eight to 12 is the ballpark for hypertrophy (muscle growth), and 12 or more is endurance training or “toning.”

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Is 6 reps enough to build muscle?

So, How Many Reps to Build Muscle? Doing around 6–20 reps per set is usually best for building muscle, with some experts going as wide as 5–30 or even 4–40 reps per set. For bigger lifts, 6–10 reps often works best. For smaller lifts, 12–20 reps often works better.

What is the best rep range for strength and size?

This continuum states that 1–5 reps are ideal for strength, 6–12 reps are ideal for muscle growth, while 13+ reps are ideal for muscular endurance. This continuum does have some truth to it. More specifically, 1–5 reps are generally preferred for maximal strength development.

Is 4 Reps enough for strength?

Anything between about 5–40 reps per set (between about 40–85\% of 1RM) has been shown to be effective to build muscle. More or fewer reps than that and the muscle-building effect per set decreases somewhat. For practical reasons, it is a good rule of thumb to aim for about 8–15 reps per set for muscle growth.

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Is 8 reps good for muscle growth?

What does 6 reps mean?

A rep refers to a repetition of an exercise. So, for example, you might perform 6 repetitions of an exercise before resting. You may go on to do a further group of 6 reps of that exercise, meaning that you will have done 2 sets of 6 reps.