
Why is burqa banned in some countries?

Why is burqa banned in some countries?

Some countries banned burqa or similar face-veils because they wanted social cohesion, cultural assimilation and integration in the country. In Germany, integration was a big issue after mass Muslim immigration from the Middle-East. But, overall, security has been counted as the most important reason.

Which country banned the burqa first?

Switzerland is the latest European country to ban the niqab, the Islamic full-face veil that shows only the eyes. Policies attempting to regulate or ban the niqab — and the more extensive burqa covering — have popped up in a handful of countries across Europe, with France enacting the first public ban in 2010.

Is niqab compulsory in Saudi Arabia?

Today, the niqab is most often worn in its region of origin: the Arab countries of the Arabian Peninsula – Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates. However, even in these countries, the niqab is neither a universal custom nor culturally compulsory.

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What does the burqa ban mean for moderate Islam?

Given this paradox, the burqa ban, which favours moderate Islam and secularism, is significant. Although it’s obviously motivated by security concerns, the ban is part of a broader fight against religious extremism and terrorism.

Why do Moroccans wear the niqab and burqa?

The niqab and burqa are worn especially in radical Islamist or Salafist circles in conservative regions in the north of Morocco. Hundreds of jihadists have travelled from this region to fight in Syria and Iraq . Within this context, the burqa is perceived by many Moroccans as alien to their culture.

Is Morocco’s burqa a security risk?

Indeed, several criminals have reportedly used the burqa or niqab – a veil that covers the face but not the eyes – to perpetrate crimes, including theft. But beyond immediate security concerns, the real worry for the moderate Moroccan government is the spread of radical, Salafist Islam.