
Why is constructor required in Java?

Why is constructor required in Java?

There are the following reasons to use constructors: We use constructors to initialize the object with the default or initial state. The default values for primitives may not be what are you looking for. Another reason to use constructor is that it informs about dependencies.

What is the role of remote interface in RMI?

In RMI, a remote interface is an interface that declares a set of methods that may be invoked from a remote Java virtual machine. A remote interface must at least extend, either directly or indirectly, the interface java. rmi.

Which is necessary to make objects accessible from remote machines?

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To make a remote object accessible to other virtual machines, a program typically registers it with the RMI registry. The registry returns to the caller a reference (called stub) to the remote object. When the program receives the stub for the remote object, it can invoke methods on the object (through the stub).

Which method is used to register a remote object in RMI?

RMI Registry Each time the server creates an object, it registers this object with the RMIregistry (using bind() or reBind() methods). These are registered using a unique name known as bind name. To invoke a remote object, the client needs a reference of that object.

What is the role of the Java RMI naming class?

Java. rmi. Naming class contains a method to bind, unbind or rebind names with a remote object present at the remote registry. This class is also used to get the reference of the object present at remote registries or the list of name associated with this registry.

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Why do remote objects need object reference?

Since an object may be remote, the reference must provide all the information that is needed to perform a remote access to the object, i.e. the network location of the object and an access protocol.

What is the function of remote object?

Remote objects are objects that implement a special remote interface that specifies which of the object’s methods can be invoked remotely. The remote interface must extend the java. rmi. Remote interface.

Why is constructor important in creating objects?

Constructor are special in the sense that they have the same name as the Class they are part of. This itself state importance of Constructor, it adds lot on readability and usability of class. When you create an object of OrderProcessor class e.g. new OrderProcessor(myQueue, myDatabase), JVM will call this constructor.

Why do we need a default constructor in class implementation?

What is the default constructor? The compiler automatically provides a public no-argument constructor for any class without constructors. This is called the default constructor. If we do explicitly declare a constructor of any form, then this automatic insertion by the compiler won’t occur.