
Why is hypothesis not supported?

Why is hypothesis not supported?

Explanation: If the data consistently do not support the hypothesis, then CLEARLY, the hypothesis is NOT a reasonable explanation of what you are investigating. The hypothesis is rejected, and we search for a new interpretation, an new hypothesis that supports the experimental data.

What happens when a hypothesis is not supported during an experiment?

If the initial hypothesis is not supported, you can go back to the drawing board and hypothesize a new answer to the question and a new way to test it. Either way, the process of experimentation often leads to whole new questions to explore. The possibilities are infinite, and the search for knowledge is never-ending.

When many experiments support a hypothesis scientists accept the hypothesis as a?

During a test, the scientist may try to prove or disprove just the null hypothesis or test both the null and the alternative hypothesis. If a hypothesis specifies a certain direction, it is called one-tailed hypothesis.

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What does it mean if your hypothesis is supported?

If the data supports the hypothesis, then we consider the hypothesis to be verified and true. If however, the data does not support the hypothesis or refutes it, then the hypothesis is in trouble, and we have to come up with a different hypothesis to explain the observations.

Does the hypothesis always have to be supported by the results conclusion?

You can not PROVE the hypothesis with a single experiment, because there is a chance that you made an error somewhere along the way. What you can say is that your results SUPPORT the original hypothesis. If your original hypothesis didn’t match up with the final results of your experiment, don’t change the hypothesis.

What happens when the hypothesis is supported?

As sufficient data and evidence are gathered to support a hypothesis, it becomes a working hypothesis, which is a milestone on the way to becoming a theory. Though hypotheses and theories are often confused, theories are the result of a tested hypothesis.

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What is an explanation of a phenomenon accepted by scientists based on many scientists experimenting and obtaining the same results?

“A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation. Theories are explanations of natural phenomena.

Which is not the step of scientific method?

Answer: The answer is Plagiary.