
Why is it important to use the right coolant?

Why is it important to use the right coolant?

Coolant does raises the boiling point of the cooling system in summer, lowers the freezing point in winter, and protects the engine and cooling system from corrosion. These functions keep the engine from overheating or freezing when driving in extreme climates.

Does it matter what coolant you use in your car?

Well, you use the coolant that is specified in your owner’s manual. If you just need to top it up, the recommendation is still the same, however it is unlikely to cause any serious problems if you add a litre of a different type of coolant, as long as you follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule.

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How do I choose the right coolant for my car?

To make sure you’re choosing the right HOAT coolant, look at the brand name, rather than the liquid’s color. The HOAT formulation is a combination of the OAT formulation and the IAT formulation. HOAT uses both silicates and organic acid to protect your engine and combat corrosion.

When should coolant be changed?

A typical mechanic will recommend changing coolant every 30,000 miles. But many will tell you, changing the coolant is not even on their radar. An owner’s manual might recommend changing the coolant/antifreeze after the first 60,000 miles, then every 30,000 miles.

What is the difference between red and green coolant?

The key difference between red and green antifreeze is that red antifreeze lasts longer than green antifreeze. An antifreeze contains ethylene glycol and propylene glycol as the bases. When an antifreeze is used along with water, it can serve as a coolant.

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Is coolant as important as engine oil?

Checking up on your coolant is easy to forget, but an engine’s coolant is just as important as oil when it comes to your car. Coolant does raises the boiling point of the cooling system in summer, lowers the freezing point in winter, and protects the engine and cooling system from corrosion.

How often should you check your car’s engine coolant?

As with the other fluids in your car, engine coolant plays a big role in how your car is running and should be monitored consistently. The frequency of checks will depend on the type of vehicle as well as its overall mechanical condition and driving history.

Are there different types of coolants for different vehicles?

Different vehicles require different coolants. There are varieties for every type of vehicle, from diesel engines to American, Asian and European vehicles. Each one is specifically formulated to keep its designated engine type running in extreme temperatures. It’s important to know the differences so you get the correct antifreeze for your vehicle.

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What does coolcoolant do for a car?

Coolant does raises the boiling point of the cooling system in summer, lowers the freezing point in winter, and protects the engine and cooling system from corrosion. These functions keep the engine from overheating or freezing when driving in extreme climates.