
Why is it unsafe to turn a forklift truck when it is on a ramp or sloping surface?

Why is it unsafe to turn a forklift truck when it is on a ramp or sloping surface?

Why is it not safe to drive a forklift in a straight line or turn a forklift with the load raised in the air? -Because it makes the forklift unstable and it could tip over.

Why is it harder to stop a forklift?

Operating a forklift requires additional skills and experience because its design makes it less stable and much heavier than cars. Forklifts tip over more easily and are harder to steer and stop. The rear-wheel steering also causes the rear end of the forklift to swing out when it turns.

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What is the most common type of lift truck accident?

forklift rollovers
According to the CDC, the most common lift truck accident are forklift rollovers, also known as forklift overturns….The main causes of forklift rollovers include:

  • Turning too quickly.
  • Overweight or imbalanced loads.
  • Abrupt mast movement.
  • Turning on an incline.
  • Driving with elevated load.
  • Driving on uneven surface.

What are the safety rules for parking the lift truck?

Parking Safety Rules

  • Always try to find a level surface to park on.
  • Lower forks, or the forklift attachment, all the way to the ground.
  • Put the gear into neutral.
  • Make sure the wheels are straight.
  • Set the parking brake every time you park the forklift.
  • Turn off the engine before dismounting the forklift.

When operating a powered industrial truck is it essential?

Observe all traffic regulations, including authorized plant speed limits. Maintain a safe distance, approximately three truck lengths from the truck ahead, and keep the truck under control at all times.

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What can happen if you carry a load on only one fork arm?

It will make the forklift unstable.

How often do powered industrial truck accidents happen?

On average 95 people are seriously injured in a forklift accident every day and 1 person is killed in a forklift accident every 4 days in the United States alone. 36\% of forklift-related deaths are pedestrians. Approximately 11\% of forklifts in the United States will be involved in an accident each year.

What can go wrong with a forklift?


  • Leaks. Forklifts use a lot of components like clamps, hoses, and o-rings in the hydraulic, drivetrain, and cooling systems.
  • Travel & Lift Problems.
  • Failure of Accessories.
  • Not Starting.
  • Battery Problems.
  • Running Rough.
  • Check Engine Light.
  • Electrical Problems.

How many feet away from a forklift is considered unattended?

According to OSHA, a forklift is considered unattended when its operator is 25 feet or more away from it and it remains in the operator’s view or when he leaves the truck and it is now in his view.

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Where can you not park a forklift truck?

Do not park an industrial lift truck near doorways, switches and electricity boards, fire fighting equipment, blind corners, on inclines, on soft ground, middle of an aisle, fire exits or pedestrian walk ways.

What is a powered industrial truck OSHA?

OSHA defines a powered industrial truck (PIT) as any mobile, power-propelled truck used to carry, push, pull, lift, stack, or tier materials, whether ridden by the operator or controlled by a walking operator.