
Why is Jon Snow called Snow?

Why is Jon Snow called Snow?

Jon has the surname “Snow” (customarily used for illegitimate noble children in the North) and is resented by Ned’s wife Catelyn, who views him as a constant reminder of Ned’s infidelity.

Why was Ramsay Bolton called Snow?

Though they’re not brothers or anything, they did have the same last name for a while. Before he was legitimized, Ramsay was known as Ramsay Snow. That’s because that is the name illegitimate children in the North of Westeros get. It’s where Jon Snow got his last name from, as well.

Who is the bastard of snow?

Aside from Jon, the other most notable bastard to hold the surname of Snow was Ramsay Bolton. Before becoming legitimized by his father, Lord Roose Bolton, the bastard boy was born Ramsay Snow. Upon murdering his family and overtaking Winterfell, Ramsay became Jon’s target.

What is the last name of the Bastards on ‘Game of Thrones’?

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By Kara Hedash Published Jan 14, 2021 Bastards born in the North carried the surname of “Snow” in Game of Thrones, and the reasoning stems from a system put in place throughout Westeros. Kit Harington’s character, Jon Snow, was the most prominent person from the HBO series to hold that last name.

What is the meaning of the name snow in Game of Thrones?

‘Snow’ is the surname used by all bastards in the north, as explained in the first chapter of A Game of Thrones: “The bastard who bore the surname ‘Snow’, the name that custom decreed be given to all those in the north unlucky enough to be born with no name of their own.”.

He is Snow because he is a bastard. In each kingdom/region of the Seven Kingdoms, bastards have a local surname, so that people know they’re bastards. Just a few examples: Bastards in the North are named Snow. That’s why both Jon and Ramsay are Snow (although Ramsay is Ramsay Bolton now because he’s been legitimised) .