
Why is microwave used for satellite communication?

Why is microwave used for satellite communication?

Microwaves are best suited to communicate with geostationary satellites since they have a higher frequency and small wavelength. The dishes that emit the wavelengths have a larger diameter. This doesn’t produce wide diffraction, therefore, emitting a narrow beam which doesn’t spread out.

How do we use microwaves for communication?

Microwave radio transmission is commonly used in point-to-point communication systems on the surface of the Earth, in satellite communications, and in deep space radio communications. Other parts of the microwave radio band are used for radars, radio navigation systems, sensor systems, and radio astronomy.

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What is microwave technology used for?

Microwaves are widely used in modern technology, for example in point-to-point communication links, wireless networks, microwave radio relay networks, radar, satellite and spacecraft communication, medical diathermy and cancer treatment, remote sensing, radio astronomy, particle accelerators, spectroscopy, industrial …

What is terrestrial microwave communication?

Terrestrial microwave is a wireless microwave networking technology that uses line-of sight communications between pairs of Earth-based transmitters and receivers to relay information.

What kind of objects can interfere with terrestrial microwave transmissions?

Terrestrial microwave is a line-of-sight transmission. What sorts of objects are tall enough to interfere with terrestrial microwave? Trees, high buildings, and mountains, and bad weather.

What can microwaves be used for other than cooking?

9 Uses for a Microwave — That Don’t Involve Cooking

  • Kill the bacteria in a sponge.
  • Warm up citrus fruits.
  • Warm up a homemade heating pad.
  • Warm plates before eating.
  • Clean off dried up candle wax.
  • Salvage dried up mascara.
  • Warm up creams and lotions before putting them on.
  • And towels.
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What is terrestrial microwave?

Which band comes under microwave band?

1. Introduction

Electromagnetic wave spectrum Frequency band Wavelength
Microwaves X band (8–12.5 GHz) 3.75–2.4 cm
Ku band (12.5–18 GHz) 2.4–1.67 cm
K band (18–26.5 GHz) 1.67–1.13 cm
Ka band (26.5–40 GHz) 1.13–0.75 cm

What is the primary use for terrestrial microwave systems?

What is the difference between terrestrial and satellite microwave technology?

The signals in these systems are extended with the help of Relay towers. Terrestrial Microwave Systems need directional parabolic antennas to broadcast and receive signals in the lower gigahertz range. Satellite Microwave Transmission System uses satellites for broadcasting and receiving of signals.

What is the difference between baseband and microwave?

The transmit system converts baseband signal to microwave signal. The receive system converts microwave signal to baseband signal. The baseband signal is multiplexed signal which carries number of individual low bandwidth signals such as voice, data and video.Multiplexing is done either using TDM or FDM.

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Is it possible to use microwave signals in over-the-horizon communications?

It is possible to use microwave signals in over-the-horizon communications using tropospheric scatter, but such systems are expensive and generally used only in specialist roles.

Why is microwave communication mainly line of sight based?

Due to this reason microwave communication is mainly LOS (Line of Sight) based communication. Microwave communication systems are mainly classified into satellite systems and terrestrial systems. Both of these systems require transmit part and receive part. The transmit system converts baseband signal to microwave signal.