
Why is Somalia called Somaliland?

Why is Somalia called Somaliland?

During the colonial period Djibouti was controlled by France and known as French Somaliland, Somaliland was BritishSomaliland, and Somalia was Italian Somaliland. After gaining independence from the Europeans, British and Italian Somaliland united as the Somali Republic in 1960.

What was Somaliland before?

On 26 June 1960, the British Somaliland protectorate gained independence as the State of Somaliland before uniting five days later with the Trust Territory of Somalia to form the Somali Republic (Somalia) on 1 July 1960.

Does Somaliland have a government?

Constitutional republic
Presidential Republic
Since 1991, the territory has been governed by democratically elected governments that seek international recognition as the government of the Republic of Somaliland. The central government maintains informal ties with some foreign governments, who have sent delegations to Hargeisa.

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Why was Somaliland colonized?

Britain colonized the north-west of Somalia in order to produce food supplies for the British in the port of Aden (Yemen). In 1887 Britain set up a Protectorate over Somaliland. France also colonized parts of the Somali coast.

Does Somaliland have a flag?

A horizontal tricolor of green, white, and red with the Shahada on the green stripe, and a black 5-pointed star charged on the white stripe. The flag of Somaliland (Somali: Calanka Soomaaliland, Arabic: علم صوماليلاند او علم أرض الصومال‎) is used in Somaliland, a self-declared state. …

Does Somaliland have a strong claim to independence?

Those in favour of Somaliland’s independence say that it has a strong claim, because the regions are culturally and ethnically distinct . Somaliland has its own currency, its own military, issues its own passports and holds its own elections, which have been observed and praised by international partners like the EU. 4

What happened to Somaliland?

British Somaliland was briefly given independence as the State of Somaliland before voting to join the Somali Republic as part of a Greater Somalia, a popular position among Somalis of the day. Things did not go so well in the Somali Republic with constant coups, and eventually, the tyrannical regime of Siad Barre.

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Are Somaliland and Somalia the same country?

Let us get one thing out of the way, Somaliland and Somalia are not the same country. You can read about what makes them different here, but to summarize, they were previously different colonial zones that were united.

What is the capital of Somaliland?

In 1991 they declared Somaliland’s independence following the ousting of the military dictator Siad Barre, whose forces had killed tens of thousands of people during civil war along ethnic, clan-based lines. 2 The SNM declared the city of Hargeisa as the capital of Somaliland, although it remains internationally unrecognised to this day. 3