
Why is the saxophone so out of tune?

Why is the saxophone so out of tune?

The low pitch of the Eb could be the result of the Eb key not opening far enough. Usually when this is the case, the note is stuffy as well. Generally speaking the F and F# are very close in pitch, but not always. There are times when “tuning” by adjusting the length of the saxophone is at best a “compromise”.

What note should you tune a soprano sax to?

Tenor and soprano saxophones are in the key of B♭, just like clarinets. All three of these instruments produce a B♭ when playing a C on the score. That is why in order to produce the same C pitch as keyed instruments or the flute (concert or “written” C), they must actually play a D.

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Can a saxophone go out of tune?

But, when you play, your warm breath and the vibrations makes the metal heat up which in turn causes the the saxophone to expand. This is why we need to warm up first as if we tune it up and then start playing, the saxophone will become warm, expand and then go out of tune.

Can saxophones get out of tune?

Intonation Checklist There are some saxophones that are just built badly. If you are in doubt the saxophone being out of tune take it to a good repairer. It must be one who is also a player. Alternatively a good teacher should be able to diagnose an out of tune saxophone.

How much is a saxophone tune up?

Saxophone Repair

SAXOPHONES Average for Playing Condition *Repad
Student B Flat Soprano $80.00 $490.00
E Flat Alto $80.00 $490.00
B Flat Tenor/ C Melody $90.00 $500.00
E Flat Baritone** $125.00 $630.00

Who is the best soprano sax player?

Famous soprano saxophone players

  • Sidney Bechet. New Orleans native Sidney Bechet was one of the very first major soloists in jazz.
  • Steve Lacy.
  • John Coltrane.
  • Jan Garbarek.
  • Kenny G.
  • Yamaha YSS-475II.
  • Rampone & Cazzani R1 Jazz Soprano.
  • Selmer Paris SA80 Series II.
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Is it hard to play soprano saxophone?

The talk about the soprano saxophone being so difficult to play is, well, just plain wrong. It’s a myth and although some people believe it, it is pure nonsense. But, try playing on a well-made, well-balanced soprano mouthpiece and everything changes- EVERYTHING! …

Can you use alto mouthpiece on soprano?

While that may be a good match on tenor or alto, where the chamber/horn bore is most often bigger than the increase in the oral cavity size, the same thing is not often true on soprano. The oral cavity size increase usually is significantly bigger than the chamber/horn bore.

Can soprano sax play alto sax music?

The alto and soprano sax have the same written range. This means that when you move from an alto to a soprano sax, you will not have to learn a new set of fingerings. This means, if you see an F on the first space of the treble clef staff, you will use the same fingering for both instruments.

How to play a soprano saxophone in tune?

Holding the soprano sax in a near vertical angle will cause the tone to be choked off and likely to “warble” in the low register. If the above suggestions are followed, the soprano saxophone may be played as well in tune as the other members of the saxophone family.

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Do soprano saxes have intonation problems?

“Soprano saxes have intonation problems…” True, but so do most musical instruments. I will show you how to minimize these problems in the following paragraphs. All saxophones have similar inherent intonation tendencies, but they show up more noticably on soprano saxophone for a number of reasons.

Can you hold a soprano sax like a clarinet?

Do not hold it close to the body like a clarinet (unless playing a curved neck). The mouthpiece should enter the mouth at about the same angle as an alto saxophone mouthpiece. Holding the soprano sax in a near vertical angle will cause the tone to be choked off and likely to “warble” in the low register.

Why are the palm keys on a soprano sax so sharp?

On some soprano saxes leave the D palm key closed for high Eb through F#. This is the advantage of having independent palm keys. If palm key notes are still sharp, have these pad openings checked and possibly reduced.