
Why is the top part of my stomach bloated and hard?

Why is the top part of my stomach bloated and hard?

When your stomach swells and feels hard, the explanation might be as simple as overeating or drinking carbonated drinks, which is easy to remedy. Other causes may be more serious, such as an inflammatory bowel disease. Sometimes the accumulated gas from drinking a soda too quickly can result in a hard stomach.

Why does my upper abdomen swell?

A common cause of abdominal swelling is gas. Swallowing air as part of a nervous habit or from eating foods that are high in fiber can lead to gas production. If you don’t release this gas, it can lead to abdominal swelling.

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Why is my stomach tightening at the top?

Gastritis is a common condition that occurs when there is an inflammation of the stomach lining. This can cause tightness in the upper region of the stomach. Other symptoms of gastritis include: indigestion.

Why do I look pregnant after I eat?

Bloating occurs in the abdominal area. It happens when large amounts of air or gas build up in the gastrointestinal tract. Eating is a common cause of bloating because when the body digests food, it produces gas. People also swallow air when eating or drinking, which then enters the gastrointestinal tract.

What disease makes you look pregnant?

Endo belly can cause discomfort, pain, and pressure in your abdomen and your back. The lower abdomen can swell for days, weeks, or just a few hours. Many women who experience endo belly say that they “look pregnant,” even though they’re not. Endo belly is just one symptom of endometriosis.

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Why does my stomach stick out above my belly button?

An umbilical hernia creates a soft swelling or bulge near the navel. It occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through the umbilical opening in the abdominal muscles. Umbilical hernias in children are usually painless.

Why does my belly swell after eating?

Gas and air Gas is the most common cause of bloating, especially after eating. Gas builds up in the digestive tract when undigested food gets broken down or when you swallow air. Everyone swallows air when they eat or drink.

Can liver problems cause a distended stomach?

Abdominal Swelling A swollen abdomen can point to a condition called ascites, in which liver malfunction leads to an imbalance of proteins and other compounds, and fluid builds up in the tissues. The main symptom, potbelly, often signals cirrhosis.

What is considered upper abdomen?

Organs found in this quadrant include: the liver, the gallbladder, duodenum, the upper portion of the pancreas, and the hepatic flexure of the colon. Pain in the right upper quadrant may be indicative of hepatitis, cholecystitis, or the formation of a peptic ulcer.

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Is it normal to have a big tummy after eating?