
Why is the work of tension zero?

Why is the work of tension zero?

4 Answers. In the systems you describe, each string connects always two masses. Hence, the work done by each string on the two masses attached have opposite sign. As a consequence, if you sum up all contributions from each string and each mass, the net work done by tension is zero.

Can tension ever 0?

Zero tension is slack. A string or rope is often idealized as one dimension, having length but being massless with zero cross section.

Is work done by tension positive?

a) The direction of motion is in the same direction as the tension in the cable. So work done by tension is positive. Friction acts in the opposite direction to the displacement, so the work is negative.

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Why is there no work done in circular motion?

In uniform circular motion, only the direction of the velocity is changing, because the force is at right angles to the movement. Since the speed (i.e. the magnitude of the velocity) is constant, no work is being done and the energy remains constant.

Does tension do work in circular motion?

( since force and displacement make a right angle, theta = 90 degrees.) => work done = 0. Thus work done in circular motion is zero. And yes, the sole reason for this outcome is because force and displacement of a body in circular motion are mutually perpendicular to each other .

What is the work done by tension?

If you have no net displacement, work done = zero. In “static” structures, such as bridge towers, buildings, etc, work done by force of tension is “zero” because there is no displacement.

Does tension act perpendicular?

If we wish to create a very large tension, all we have to do is exert a force perpendicular to a flexible connector, as illustrated in Figure 8. As we saw in the last example, the weight of the tightrope walker acted as a force perpendicular to the rope.

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Why is tension 0 when string is taut?

The tension being zero is right at the moment of transition between the string being taut and the string being slack; usually in “particle on a string” problems you have to find the minimum or maximum of some value, and usually the trick is to take the tension equal to zero as this is where the string is “barely” taut.

What is the work WT WT done by the tension force?

What is the work WT done by the tension force? What can be said about the sign of the work done by the force F⃗ 1? It is zero. (When θ=90∘, the cosine of θ is zero, and therefore the work done is zero.)