
Why is water deflected by a charged rod?

Why is water deflected by a charged rod?

Water is made up of polar molecules, each containing a negatively charged oxygen end and a positively charged hydrogen end. When a charged rod of material is brought near a thin stream of water, the water will be attracted to the charged rod and the stream of water will bend towards the rod.

Why would a stream of water be attracted to a charged plastic rod but a stream of carbon tetrachloride would not be attracted?

Why would a stream of water be attracted to a charged plastic rod but a stream of carbon tetrachloride would not be attracted? Since like charges repel, the water molecules are repelled by the charged rod and the stream of water is deflected away from the rod.

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Why does water move away from a charged object?

Water shows neutral electric charges as it encompasses an equal number of protons and electrons. But when the negatively charged object comes in close contact, the matching ions repel each other and move away from the object, pushing the positively charged ions in front.

What happens when a negatively charged object is brought near a falling stream of water?

When you bring the negatively charged balloon close to the stream of water, the hydrogen end is attracted towards the balloon and the oxygen end is repelled away from it. This pair of forces twists the water molecule so that the line from the negative pole to the positive pole points towards the balloon.

Why does a stream of water deflect in an electric field?

Water is a conductor and so if, for example, a negatively charged rod is brought near an unbroken stream of water coming from a tap then a positive charge can be induced on the part of the stream near the charged rod. The force of attraction between the two will deflect the stream.

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Why did the water stream bend towards the comb?

The complementary charge is attracted to the charged object. The charge on the comb attracts the molecules of water in the stream. Because the molecules in the stream can be moved easily, the stream bends toward the comb. Because water molecules are polarized molecules, the effect is stronger than with dust.

Why is water attracted to both positive and negative charges?

The unequal sharing of electrons gives the water molecule a slight negative charge near its oxygen atom and a slight positive charge near its hydrogen atoms. Water molecules attract one another based on the attraction between the positive end of one water molecule and the negative end of another.

Why is a stream of water attracted to a charged balloon?

The water is made of positive and negative charged particles. When you bring the balloon towards the water, the positive charged particles in the water will move the water towards the negatively charged balloon since positive and negative charges are attracted to each other.

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What is water deflect?

Why did the stream of water bend toward the comb?

A charged object attract small particles, such as dust. The charge in the object causes a complementary charge to develop in something close to it. The charge on the comb attracts the molecules of water in the stream. Because the molecules in the stream can be moved easily, the stream bends toward the comb.

Why does water bend towards a balloon?

What is water cohesion?

Cohesion: Water is attracted to water. Adhesion: Water is attracted to other substances. Adhesion and cohesion are water properties that affect every water molecule on Earth and also the interaction of water molecules with molecules of other substances.