
Why or why not is waist-to-hip ratio a good measure of health?

Why or why not is waist-to-hip ratio a good measure of health?

Your waist-to-hip ratio compares your waist measurement to your hip measurement. Higher ratios can mean you have more fat around your waist. This can lead to a higher risk for heart disease or diabetes.

Is the result roughly the golden ratio if not then what must be your ideal waist size to get the golden ratio?

The shoulder to waist ratio is determined by dividing the shoulder circumference to the waist circumference and the ideal number for men in 1.6, a derivative of the Golden Ratio….Male & Female Ideal Body Shape Ratios.

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Body shape indicator Men Women
Waist to hip ratio < 0.9 < 0.8

What must be the ideal waist size to get the golden ratio?

According to the Golden Ratio, below are the ideal measurements for 28 year old woman who is 5 feet and 4 inches tall: Body weight: 124 lbs. Upper chest and under bust measurements: 34 and 27.7 inches. Waist: 25 inches.

What are the limitations of the waist hip ratio?

What are the disadvantages of using this method? It’s easy to make mistakes while checking WHR, because you need to take two separate measurements. And, it can be hard to get an accurate measurement of your hips. WHR can also be harder to interpret than waist circumference — another measurement of abdominal obesity.

Is 0.75 a good waist to hip ratio?

Good (below 0.80) Generally if you have a ratio of 0.75 to 0.8 you are at low risk of weight-related disease but it is important to maintain your shape with a healthy diet and regular activity. The longer you can prevent central fat deposition, the longer and healthier your life will be.

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Why is hip waist ratio important?

Your WHR is important because research suggests that if you are carrying excess fat around the waist, this abdominal — or visceral — fat makes you more likely to develop health problems, compared to people who carry fat mainly in their hips and thighs.

Why is the Golden Ratio aesthetically pleasing?

“Shapes that resemble the golden ratio facilitate the scanning of images and their transmission through vision organs to the brain. Animals are wired to feel better and better when they are helped and so they feel pleasure when they find food or shelter or a mate. Vision and cognition evolved together, he said.

Which of the following is a limitation of the waist to hip ratio WHR measurement of central adiposity and visceral fat?

Limitations of the waist to hip ratio Hip circumference measures a different set of body components, such as muscle and bone mass, as well as fat. An individual may have a dangerous level of abdominal fat, but the WHR may be hard to determine if the hip circumference is especially large.

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Is 0.72 a good waist to hip ratio?

The ideal ratio in healthy pre- menopausal women ranges between 0.67 and 0.8. In terms of the tape measure, this is produced by waists between 24in and 28in with 36in hips, and waists between 27in and 31in with 40in hips. Research shows that women who fall within the 0.67 to 0.8 range are healthier.