
Why railways are less developed over the Deccan region?

Why railways are less developed over the Deccan region?

Answer: (i) Railways are difficult to construct in the hilly and mountainous parts of India. (ii) The huge size of the country makes it difficult to connect the remote parts of the country.

Which hill ranges lie to the west of the Deccan Plateau?

The Western Ghats, also called the Sahyadri, are a north-south chain of mountains or hills that mark the western edge of the Deccan plateau region.

What are the two parallel ranges that form the northern boundary of the Deccan?

Ghats, two mountain ranges forming the eastern and western edges, respectively, of the Deccan plateau of peninsular India. The two ranges run roughly parallel to the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea coasts, respectively, from which they are separated by strips of fairly level coastal land.

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How much distance did the 1st railway train ran for in India?

The history of Indian Railways dates back to over 160 years ago. On 16th April 1853, the first passenger train ran between Bori Bunder (Bombay) and Thane, a distance of 34 km.

How does railways bind the economic and cultural life of the country?

Railways accelerate the development of the agriculture and industries, and also bind the economic life of the country together. (ii) They help in the transportation of raw materials from the source to the industries, and the manufactured goods to the market.

What is the highest peak in Deccan plateau?

Anaimudi Peak in Kerala, with a height of 2,695 m above sea level, is the highest peak of peninsular India.

Which is the highest point in Deccan plateau?


Which is the northern boundary of Deccan Plateau?

The plateau is bounded on the east and west by the Ghats, while its northern extremity is the Vindhya Range. The Deccan’s average elevation is about 2,000 feet (600 m), sloping generally eastward; its principal rivers, the Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri, flow from the Western Ghats eastward to the Bay of Bengal.

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What is border of Deccan Plateau?

The plateau is bounded on the east and west by the Ghats, escarpments that meet at the plateau’s southern tip. Its northern extremity is the Satpura Range. The Deccan’s average elevation is about 2,000 feet (600 metres), sloping generally eastward.

Who started first railway in India?

Lord Dalhousie
The country’s first passenger train, which ran between Bombay’s Bori Bunder station and Thane on 16 April 1853, was dedicated by Lord Dalhousie. The 14-carriage train was hauled by three steam locomotives: the Sahib, Sindh, and Sultan.