
Why the curing period of concrete with PPC is more than OPC?

Why the curing period of concrete with PPC is more than OPC?

Its faster setting time helps faster construction. Setting Time: Setting time of PPC us higher than OPC. Its initial setting time is 30 minutes and the final setting time is 600 minutes. Its slower setting time helps to get better finishing.

How many days does it take for OPC cement to cure?

Nevertheless, it is always advisable to keep concrete moist for at least 14 days. As per IS 456 – 2000, concrete should not be cured less than 7 days for ordinary Portland Cement, & it must be at least 10 days for concrete with mineral admixtures or blended cement.

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How can I speed up the curing of concrete?

Add warmer water. As one of the key ingredients in concrete, water is essential for the curing reaction to occur. The curing time can be hastened by using a slightly warmer water in the mixture as this will encourage the reaction to occur more quickly – do not, however, use blazing hot water as this could be damaging.

How many days does it take to cure RCC roof?

The curing time for the RCC slab with OPC. is minimum 21 days and so the removal of centering for roof slab is also 21 days,,for slab with lesser span,can be removed earlier. 48 hours for sides of foundations, columns, beams and walls. 14 days for underside of slab, beams, arches above 4.5 meter up to 6 meter span.

How much water should per hour?

If you’re wondering how much water you should drink on those occasions, speak with your doctor, but a general rule of thumb for healthy people is to drink two to three cups of water per hour, or more if you’re sweating heavily.

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How much water do we use in 1 day?

The average person uses 101.5 gallons of water Per day.

Which is best RCC or PCC?

PCC cannot withstand tensile stress. RCC is used in most of civil work and main frames which will withstand all stress and heavy loads. But if you compare it in terms of money then PCC is much cheaper then RCC and PCC needs no formwork or temporary work so it is much cheaper as compared to RCC. ‘

Which concrete is best for RCC?

OPC 53 Grade cement is recommended in all RCC structures like footing, column, beam and slabs, where ever initial and ultimate strength is the major structural requirement.