
Why the terminal voltage is lower than the generated voltage when the DC shunt generator is connected to the load?

Why the terminal voltage is lower than the generated voltage when the DC shunt generator is connected to the load?

Terminal voltage V is less than the generated emf Eg due to voltage drop in the armature circuit. Therefore, external characteristic curve lies below the internal characteristic curve.

Why is terminal voltage less than EMF in DC generator?

The change in terminal voltage is based on the change in the current and the resistance in the circuit. Potential difference drop and internal resistance are the reason the terminal voltage is lesser than the EMF.

What are the reasons for dropping load characteristics?

External or Load characteristic Ohmic drop due to armature resistance gives lesser terminal voltage the generated voltage. That is why the curve lies below the internal characteristic curve. The terminal voltage can always be maintained constant by adjusting the load terminal.

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Why is terminal voltage less than EMF?

The terminal voltage of the cell is less than its emf as the cell emf which is brought in the dielectric in the direction opposite to direction of external terminal voltage.

What changes terminal voltage?

The change in terminal voltage is based on the change in the current and the resistance in the circuit. Potential difference drop and internal resistance are the reason the terminal voltage is lesser than the EMF. The EMF is measured in volts.

Why is the voltage drop so sharp in shunt generator?

As the generator is loaded the current flowing through the armature increases to generate the required torque to rotate the load. This increased current causes the drop in terminal voltage of the generator.

What are the factors that affect the voltage build up in a DC shunt generator?

Conditions to build up the voltage in shunt generator:

  • The shunt winding should have a residual magnetic field.
  • The direction of the shunt winding and armature winding should be in such a way that flux generated by them should aid together.
  • The shunt winding should have critical winding resistance.
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What is the reason for voltage drop?

Voltage drop (VD) occurs when the voltage at the end of a run of cable is lower than at the beginning. Any length or size of wires will have some resistance, and running a current through this dc resistance will cause the voltage to drop.