
Why transportation is considered as lifeline of economy?

Why transportation is considered as lifeline of economy?

(i) The means of transportation and communication are called the lifelines of a nation and its economy because they are the pre-requisites for the development of a country. This facilitates transportation of goods and services from production units to the demand locales.

How did transportation help the economy?

How Transportation Creates Economic Growth. Sound transportation investments lower the costs of moving people and goods. This increases economic productivity, which roughly can be measured as the output of goods and services per dollar of private and public investment.

Why are the means of transportation and communication called lifelines of a nation and its economy?

Why are the means of transportation and communication called the lifelines of national economy? – Studyrankersonline.

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How do modern means of transport serve as lifeline of our nation?

(I)They link areas of production with consumption, agriculture with industry and village with towns and cities. (ii) They help the industry by providing raw materials. (iii) Distribution of finished goods. (iv)They help in the development of all the three sectors, i.e., primary, secondary and tertiary.

Why is rail transport the most convenient means of transport?

Railways is the most convenient transport system widely used in the Northern plains. Rail transport is useful where there is high density of population. Railways is cheap mode of transport and it has better connectivity from villages to city where working population use this type of transport comfortably.

How does transport help in national integration?

Air transport is an important enabler to achieving economic growth and development. Air transport facilitates integration into the global economy and provides vital connectivity on a national, regional, and international scale. It helps generate trade, promote tourism, and create employment opportunities.

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How transport affects the economy a country?

Increasing quality transport facilities leads to access to more markets, and efficient transport is cheaper so more transport is used. Large-scale transport infrastructure projects will indirectly affect the local economy; the multiplier effect kicks in and encourages logistics businesses to grow.

How does public transportation affect the economy?

Economic Impact of Public Transportation Investment Investment in transit can yield 50,731 jobs per $1 billion invested, and offers a 4 to 1 economic return. Investment offers productivity gains long after the short-term stimulative effect.

Why are the means of transportation and communication?

This is because they are the backbone of the economy and hallmark of development of a nation. Transportation and communication help in the expansion of trade and boost the economy. In an agricultural country like India, improved means of transport and communication has helped the national economy.

Why is communication and transport important?

*Transportation and communication systems help to promote the use of natural resources, mobility of skilled labour force, and increase in agricultural and industrial production. *Transportation and communication services help to create job opportunities for people especially living in rural areas.

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Why are means of transport and communication important?

The means of transport and communication are called the lifelines of a country and its economy. These help to transfer better technology from one country to other or from one place to other. 2. Means of communication help the traders to have links with other traders and means of transport provide essential product.

Why are means of transportation and communication?

Transport and communication are a way for us humans to overcome the barrier of physical distance. It is an effective way to connect with people with no regard to the distance that separates them. Transport generally involves the movement of people or goods forms one place to another via a means of transport.