
Why was the show Wishbone Cancelled?

Why was the show Wishbone Cancelled?

digital channel was announced, PBS planned to air Wishbone on the channel. However, when the digital channel was canceled, Wishbone returned in reruns on the PBS national program service through PBS Kids Go! on June 2, 2007. Wishbone clips came to the PBS Kids Go!…Wishbone (TV series)

Created by Rick Duffield (Executive producer)

What happened Wishbone?

He lived with his trainer, Jackie Martin Kaptan, on the Plano, Texas ranch where the Wishbone series was filmed and was buried there after his 2001 death….Soccer (dog)

Soccer as Wishbone playing Robin Hood
Other name(s) Wishbone
Born May 17, 1988 Connecticut, United States
Died June 26, 2001 (aged 13) Plano, Texas, United States

What was the last episode of Wishbone?

The Roamin’ Nose
Wishbone/Latest episode

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When was Wishbone Cancelled?

December 4, 1997
Wishbone/Final episode date

What breed of dog is wishbone?

Jack Russell terrier
Known as Soccer the Dog in real life, his claim to fame was playing “Wishbone” in the PBS series. But the perky Jack Russell terrier died in 2001, according to his IMDb page.

How many episodes of wishbone were there?

Wishbone/Number of episodes

Do Jack Russells have long hair?

If you have a rough-coated Jack Russell Terrier, you’ll notice that your dog has longer fur covering its entire body. The fur is naturally wiry and straight and often grows in different directions for a textured look. The rough coat can grow from one to two inches long and should protect your terrier from all elements.

How many episodes of Wishbone are there?

Wishbone/Number of episodes
In the delightful (and quite remarkable) TV show Wishbone, a Jack Russel terrier visits various classic works of literature in his daydreams and gets to play well-known characters such as Tom Sawyer, Robin Hood, and Odysseus. The show was produced from 1995 to 1997 with a total of 50 episodes and aired on PBS.

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How many wishbone episodes are there?

What breed of dog is Wishbone?

How tall do Jack Russells get?

10 to 15 inches
The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America standard calls for dogs to be from 10 to 15 inches in height, whereas the AKC standard calls for a smaller range of 12 to 14 inches. JRTCA show dogs are classified into one of two groups based on size, 10 to 12 1/2 inches and over 12 1/2 to 15 inches.