
Why was Tom Riddle in the Chamber of Secrets?

Why was Tom Riddle in the Chamber of Secrets?

His aim in the Chamber was one of the two main goals he had before the events in Little Hangleton’s graveyard… to regain a physical body. He intended to sap all of Ginny’s “life energy” until she was dead and he was restored in full. Do not forget that the Tom Riddle in the chamber is a horcrux; a piece of Voldemort.

What happened to Tom Riddle in Chamber of Secrets?

The diary of Tom Riddle was a horcrux, so the Tom Riddle we see at the end is the fragment of Voldemort’s soul from that horcrux. He uses a spell of some kind of trade Ginny’s life for his own, allowing him to return to a solid body.

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Why did Tom Riddle open the Chamber of Secrets the first time?

Simply because he wanted to put the blame on someone so he could keep living at Hogwarts. Tom Riddle initially opened the Chamber because of his prejudice against Muggle borns, he was the heir to Slytherin which he wasn’t aware of but like Harry, was able to open the Chamber.

Was Tom Riddle in Chamber of Secrets Voldemort?

Finally, Harry Potter found the diary, but Ginny stole it back from him and then, she finally went down into the Chamber of Secrets, where Tom Riddle’s memory came out of the diary and took human form. Harry travelled down to the Chamber and learned Riddle was indeed Lord Voldemort.

Who was the worst death eater?

Antonin Dolohov was usually the most dangerous of the background Death Eaters. Dolohov was a highly skilled wizard who defeated some of the most accomplished members of the Order of the Phoenix. He fatally defeated Remus Lupin, took down Mad-Eye Moody in a duel, and fought Sirius Black evenly matched.

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Who was Voldemorts second in command?

Severus Snape – His allegiance was obviously in other places, and if Voldemort had ceded power, I think Snape was 2nd in command for most of the 2nd Wizarding War. It wouldn’t have lasted long.