
Why Wheatstone bridge is not suitable?

Why Wheatstone bridge is not suitable?

Measuring very low resistances using the bridge can give erroneous results due to resistance offered by the wires, the devices like galvanometer, internal resistance of the cell and other elements in the circuit. So, the low resistances when measured using a Wheatstone’s condition will give unfavourable answers.

Why is the Wheatstone bridge more accurate than other methods of measuring resistance?

A Wheatstone’s bridge is more accurate than the other methods of measuring resistance because the resistance is obtained using the null method and is based on Kirchoff’s law. If one or more of the four resistances are changed, the current through the galvanometer becomes zero. This point is called the null point.

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Why is a Wheatstone bridge meter bridge method not suitable for measurement of very low and very high resistances?

Originally Answered: Why is the Wheatstone bridge method not suitable for measurements that are very low and have very high resistance? Low Resistance: Wheatstone Bridge can not be used to measure low resistance because then the wire resistance and lead resistance come into the picture and affect the result.

What is the accuracy of Wheatstone bridge is generally?

This experiment demonstrates the use of the Wheatstone Bridge for precise resistance mea- surements and the use of error propagation to determine the uncertainty of a measurement. The bridge circuit will be used to measure an unknown resistance to an accuracy of about 0.1\%.

Why is metre bridge method considered unsuitable?

Why is the meter bridge method considered unsuitable for the measurement of very low resistances? While measuring a vary low resistnace using meter bridge,all other resistances used should have low values in order to ensure sensitivity of the bridge. Due to it, the measurement will not be accurate.

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What is the limitation of this bridge?

Following are the disadvantages of Bridges: ➨It is slower compare to repeaters due to filtering. ➨It does not filter broadcasts. ➨It is more expensive compare to repeaters.

What are the drawbacks of Wheatstone bridge how they can be overcome?

Limitations of Wheatstone’s Bridge This can be eliminated by Kelvin’s Double bridge. For high resistance measurements, the resistance presented by the bridge becomes so large that the galvanometer is insensitive to imbalance. Therefore, a power supply has to replace the battery and a dc VTVM replaces the galvanometer.

What is the importance of Metre bridge?

A meter bridge also called a slide wire bridge is an instrument that works on the principle of a Wheatstone bridge. A meter bridge is used in finding the unknown resistance of a conductor as that of in a Wheatstone bridge.

What are the limitations of a meter bridge?

Not suitable to measure high or low resistances as bridge is most sensitive at l1 = 50cm. Meter bridge wire may not be exactly one meter length which gives rise to error in measurement.

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What is the limitations of Wheatstone bridge?

The disadvantage of the Wheatstone bridge is that it is not so precise when it is used to measure large resistances. When the large resistances are to be measured, the results are mostly non-linear. Sometimes the value of the resistance degrades depending on the temperature and the EMF applied.