
Will process the payment in due course?

Will process the payment in due course?

payment made at or after the maturity of a BILL OF EXCHANGE to the holder of the bill by a payer in good faith and without notice that the holder’s title might be defective. A bill is discharged by payment in due course by or on behalf of the drawee or acceptor.

What is payment in due course?

“Payment in due course” means payment in accordance with the apparent tenor of the instrument in good faith and without negligence to any person in possession thereof under circumstances which do not afford a reasonable ground for believing that he is not entitled to receive payment of the amount therein mentioned.

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How do you ask client for payment?

Asking for payment from clients over the phone

  1. Make sure you’re talking to the right person.
  2. Introduce yourself.
  3. Have a good idea of what you want.
  4. Get straight to the point.
  5. Speak calmly and clearly.
  6. Do not let the emotions get the better of you.
  7. Summarize everything at the end of the call.

Can you proceed to payment?

The correct phrase would be “proceed with the payment,” not “proceed the payment.” When used as an active verb, “proceed” needs a preposition such as “from,” “to,” or “with.” However, when used passively (for example, “The meeting will proceed”), the verb can be used as is.

Will respond to you in due course?

If you say that something will happen or take place in due course, you mean that you cannot make it happen any quicker and it will happen when the time is right for it.

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Will inform you in due course?

What is payment in course?

Payment in due course is a payment made at or after the maturity of a bill of exchange to the holder of the bill by a payer in good faith and without notice that the holder’s title might be defective. A bill is discharged by payment in due course by or on behalf of the drawee or acceptor.

How do I write a letter requesting overdue payment?

What should a late payment letter include?

  1. your company name and address.
  2. recipient’s name and address.
  3. today’s date.
  4. a clear reference and/or any account reference numbers.
  5. the amount outstanding.
  6. original payment due date.
  7. a brief explanation that no payment has been received.

How do you follow up on a payment?

How to follow up on past-due payments

  1. Agree to a preferred invoice payment method up-front. For faster payments, hold the invoice conversation right at the start, before you do the work.
  2. Make it clear on the invoice what your customer is paying for.
  3. Establish a process for following up on past due invoices.
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Will be paid or will be pay?

The correct form is “to be paid”. And “to be pay” is incorrect, but “to pay” is a correct form. While writing you may confused with past tense word of pay is paid or payed. The correct past tense of the verb pay is paid, as long as the word is used in the financial or transactional sense.

What does proceed to pay mean?

vb intr. 1 often foll by: to to advance or carry on, esp. after stopping. 2 often foll by: with to undertake and continue (something or to do something)