
Will SMS say delivered if phone is off?

Will SMS say delivered if phone is off?

If you have activated the “Send as an SMS” option on your phone, the message will be sent as an SMS. It will only say delivered when the recipient’s device goes back online. Otherwise, the iMessages will be stored on Apple servers for up to 30 days for redelivery.

Do messages deliver when phone is blocked?

How to know if someone blocked your number on Android. If an Android user has blocked you, Lavelle says, “your text messages will go through as usual; they just won’t be delivered to the Android user.” It’s the same as an iPhone, but without the “delivered” notification (or lack thereof) to clue you in.

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What does it mean when a message says delivered but not read?

If the text message says delivered, that just means that it made it to its destination safely. If the recipient hasn’t opened it, then it wouldn’t show as “read”. There would be no indicator on your end that you were blocked. The blocking feature is done through the phone itself.

How do you know if your message has been read?

Read Receipts on Android Smartphones

  1. From the text messaging app, open Settings.
  2. Go to Chat features, Text Messages, or Conversations.
  3. Turn on (or turn off) the Read Receipts, Send Read Receipts, or Request Receipt toggle switches, depending on your phone and what you want to do.

How to check if a text message was delivered on Android?

The ability to check the status of a text message to see if it was delivered to the recipient is a feature found on most normal phones. On the Android OS though, you have to enable the feature that provides this information as it is usually disabled by default.

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What happens when you send an iMessage message to someone else?

If the other person has other devices with iMessage enabled, one of those will receive the message before the iPhone and the sender will see the status “delivered”. If the iPhone is the only device, the message will only show delivered when the phone has been switched on again and it has access to the Internet.

How do I know if a message has been received/delivered?

The statuses will show “Received“, “Delivered“, or may simply show the time of delivery. If the message was not delivered, it may show as “Pending” or “None” status.

Why don’t I receive an indicator when I send an SMS?

If you’re sending SMS messages (green), you will only receive an indicator if delivery fails. SMS messaging is about the most reliable form of cellular communication. They very rarely fail.