
Are doctors in UK satisfied?

Are doctors in UK satisfied?

Hospital doctors were more satisfied with their jobs than general practitioners; women general practitioners were more satisfied than men (group median scores 19.7 and 18.8 respectively); and part time general practitioners were more satisfied than those working full time (19.8 and 18.9) (all P<0.001).

Do all doctors in the UK work for the NHS?

Nearly all hospital doctors and nurses in England are employed by the NHS and work in NHS-run hospitals, with teams of more junior hospital doctors (most of whom are in training) being led by consultants, each of whom is trained to provide expert advice and treatment within a specific speciality.

Which doctors are the happiest UK?

1. General Practice stands out for satisfaction. It may come as no surprise that General Practice leads the way for the most satisfied doctors in the UK. They rate their workload as one of the most manageable, although there is significant regional and practice variation in this.

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Are doctors NHS employees?

Medical staff are junior and senior doctors, and other doctors working for hospitals and community health services. Non-medical staff include clinical staff (for example, nurses and midwives, health visitors, and ambulance staff) and staff working in managerial, administrative and support roles.

Are GP’s happy?

A new study shows doctors are reporting a high level of satisfaction with their jobs, even if they are on call or working long hours. The study, published in the Medical Journal of Australia, found about one-third of GPs are very satisfied with their jobs, alongside almost 38 per cent of specialists.

Which doctor earns the most in UK?

Here are some of the highest paying medical roles:

  1. Medical director. National average salary: £103,637 per year.
  2. Neurosurgeon. National average salary: £94,434 per year.
  3. Anaesthetist. National average salary: £93,923 per year.
  4. Plastic surgeon.
  5. Psychiatrist.
  6. Cardiologist.
  7. Director of nursing.
  8. Clinical director.