
Are graphing calculators cheating?

Are graphing calculators cheating?

The Graphing Calculator Method This may be the oldest high-tech cheating method. Most teachers will walk around and erase the memory from your calculator to avoid this sort of thing. However, if you press the “2nd” key, then the “+” key (it’s the memory button), then go to “All,” you’ll your note/program.

Are calculators considered cheating?

The short answer to your question is that calculator use is cheating when your teacher says it is. It’s lazy when you’re supposed to be learning something, but because of that calculator, you’re not.

Are you allowed to use a calculator for calculus?

The AP Calculus AB and BC exams both allow graphing calculators that have the ability to calculate function derivatives and definite integrals. Students are allowed to bring up to two approved graphing calculators to any AP Calculus exam.

Is a TI 84 good for calculus?

Permitted for use on the ACT, SAT and AP Calculus exam. TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver—This series is 100\% compatible with the TI-83’s and is now the calculator of choice for most students and teachers. If you are purchasing a new calculator, this or the TI-Nspire is our current recommendation.

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Is using a calculator on homework cheating?

If you can answer “yes” to this question, then the technology isn’t something you’re using to cheat. That being said, you always want to make sure that you actually can write the paper with the help. Using a calculator is very helpful, but it doesn’t (and shouldn’t) replace your ability to do math on your own.

Is TI 30xs good for calculus?

I’ve used this from middle school math all the way to calculus and now college chemistry, and it works great! I’ve used this from middle school math all the way to calculus and now college chemistry, and it works great!

Is the TI 85 obsolete?

The TI-85 was significantly more powerful than the TI-81, as it was designed as a calculator primarily for use in engineering and calculus courses….TI-85.

Manufacturer Texas Instruments
Introduced 1992
Discontinued 1997
Successor TI-86