
Are new Stanley plane blades any good?

Are new Stanley plane blades any good?

It’s relatively cheap easy to sharpen, holds its edge. I’ve had the same Stanley blade in my plane since apprenticeship days in the UK and neede some new blades for other planes I own. If you know how to sharpen a blade they work fine and I’ve bought 80 dollar blades and still would recommend the Stanley blade.

What angle should a hand plane be sharpened?

25 degrees
The primary bevel for chisels and plane blades is normally 25 degrees (a time-tested angle). If you look at the blade diagram above its perfectly acceptable, from a sharpness perspective, to hone the primary bevel flat and hone the back of the blade flat and where these two meet you can achieve a sharp cutting edge.

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Will Lie Nielsen blades fit Stanley planes?

Lie-Nielsen chipbreakers are designed specifically for our tools. It is possible that they may fit some original Stanley or Record planes, but critical dimensions of these and other maker’s tools varied over the years.

When did Stanley stop making planes?

Both of these lines struggled and Stanley ended up buying both in 1880 and 1884 respectively, but then discontinued them by 1888. Leonard Bailey thus retired from plane making and passed away in 1905.

Where are Stanley planes made today?

These planes, made in China, have generated a lot of interest and debate on Knots, our online woodworking forum.

What are the 3 steps for sharpening a plane blade or chisel?

You gotta stay sharp!

  1. Step 1: Sharpening. Flatten the bottom of the chisel by holding it flat to your sharpening stone and working it back and forth lengthwise on coarse, then medium, then fine grits.
  2. Step 2: Honing. After sharpening, honing brings the edge to a finer point.
  3. Step 3: Stropping.
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What is a chip breaker on a plane?

This ‘chip-breaker’ is the cap made from plate steel locked beneath the wedge or the lever cap that flexes the two-component cutting assembly to reduce vibration by causing tension in the cutting iron and the cap iron and so prevent chatter. It neither causes the wood to chip nor prevents the wood from chipping.

What does a chip breaker do?

The function of a chip breaker is to improve chip control and to reduce cutting resistance. A better balance between the two will increase the machining performance. Reduced cutting resistance can avoid chipping and fracturing of the cutting edge caused by vibration.